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Maybe Mites?


New member
Dear lovely people,

I have a 1.5 year old corn snake named Mythos. I went to take her out tonight to hold her, and after I went to put her back I saw her water dish had small black bugs on it. They werent like specks of dust like I hear mites described as, but they were pretty small and easy to see. My snake seemed perfectly fine, and I didnt see anything on her at the time. I live in the downstairs of my house, and there are many windows. Could these bugs just be from the outside that got inside or could they be mites. I also picked up her log and cave, and didnt see anything crawling on it. I scrubbed her dish VERY well, and put her and her dish back in the aqaurium. Any ideas if they are mites or not?

Since I dont have any mite fighting chemicals, and it is late, I didnt think cleaning the cage would help if they are on/in her. If they are mites, how can I REALLY tell, and what do I do to get rid of them?

They sound like mites...Mites are usally about the size of a period at the end of a sentence...They can easily be seen in water bowls because they drown when the snake soaks...

I think you need to get some mite fighting chemicals...I would suggest Black Knight Roach Spray...Just follow the directions and use common sense when fogging the enclosure and the snake...

Here is a "mite" link...It details the life cycle of a mite...Here's one on mite eradication...

HTH...If you need more info just do a search in the forum on mites...
Where do I get black knight?

Thanks for you help :)

I am incredibly sad that I have a mite problem, and I dont even know how I got it. I dont own any other reptiles, and my snake hasnt "played" with other snakes in the year that I have had her. At any rate, I need to know where I can get black knight online, and what I can do until it comes in the mail.

Here is my battle plan...tell me if its ok :(

1. Soak my snake in luke warm water for 1 hour
2. Remove snake and spray her with repti-safe (mite killer I can get here locally)
3. Let that sit on her for awhile (15-30 minutes) and then rinse her. Put her in a dry container until cage is ready
4. Take everything out of her cage, and bleach it, being sure to scrub with a tooth brush. Also bleach cage furnature.
5. Disinfect her stand, vaccum the floors, and clean any surfaces around her house.
6. Replace tossed out repti-bark with paper towel.
7.Put items (dish and two hides) back in her cage.
8. Put Snake back in cage
9. Repeat once weekly for 3 weeks?

Again, let me know if this is okay. I am really scared, nervous, and upset about the whole situation, and I dont want to wait for the black knight to come in the mail :( Thanks guys....
Black Mite and Provent-A-Mite are both available on the web. I have never had a Mite issue, but I keep a can of Provent-A-Mite on hand just in case. I got a can from The Bean Farm
extra virgin olive oil works just as well...

1.) bath snake in perfect temp water with mild hand soapy water
2.) dry snake
3.) apply thin coat of EVOO over snake skin
4.) Bleach tank
5.) Sanitize hides (close supervision in oven at "WARMER" for logs)
6.) Dishwash waterdish (if dishwasher safe)
7.) after bleaching tank(mild bleach:water ratio and RINSE WELL)- use papertowl substrate
8.) Use toilet paper roll or some carboard box w/hole for hide (i.e. don't put original hides back in right away)
9.) place oily snake back into tank with fresh water
10.) Repeat once weekly until mites are gone or next snake shed

good luck, I've done all that and it works excellently... Let me know...