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Meet Artimus Gordon!


Kahn's Mommy
This is my new dorm-buddy. I'm not allowed to have any pets at my school....not even a betta fish in a bowl. Guess who breaks that rules?! ME! I have 2.1 bettas and this guy, named Artimus Gordon. People have cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, and other animals hidden in their rooms, so I'm not the only one. lol. He's a pac man frog, if you haven't guessed. :)



my school's policy was "fish in a 10gallon"...but I figured a bearded dragon in a 40 gallon was close enough lol. cute little pacman...been considering one of them for a while now.
He's lovely. My pacman has doubled in size and now takes pinkies with relish. Totally cool pets, I love the way he can change his colour from dark to light, and his squeaky croak is ridiculous.
simple_minded said:
What a cute little guy! Your school wont let you keep ANY? But what about all your snakes?

My school won't even let us have a betta. Its weird because its primarily a VETERINARY school! Its so lonely without having any living creature allowed in your room. We can have plants...but I feel weird talking to a plant. lol. (But I did buy a venus fly trap for my room, hahaha.)

My snakes (and 2 turtles) are being house at my boyfriend's apartment. His entire bedroom is tanks. :grin01:

My critters were at my moms, but she doesn't pay any attention to them. They would just sit in my room alone until the weekends without any human contact. A couple of my herps started to get nippy with me, so I moved them to my boyfriends. He handles them during the week while I'm away. They are all doing wonderful now.

CMLReptiles said:
my school's policy was "fish in a 10gallon"...but I figured a bearded dragon in a 40 gallon was close enough lol. cute little pacman...been considering one of them for a while now.

lol, my best friend (who goes to a different college) has a 40g tank with her beardie as well hidden in her dorm room. She also has a hamster and a pac man frog hidden.

diamondlil said:
He's lovely. My pacman has doubled in size and now takes pinkies with relish. Totally cool pets, I love the way he can change his colour from dark to light, and his squeaky croak is ridiculous.

I haven't heard the squeaky croak yet! I'm excited now. lol
My dormitories only allowed fish in small tanks, nothing that could climb out of its enclosure.
Of course in breaking the rules I chose a pet that was the most likely to escape its enclosure. This risk was made more imminent by my experience, I was a first time owner.
The consequence of my 3 month old cornsnake ending up in my Hawaiian native RA's room was... a very freaked out girl, a 1,000 word essay assignment, and a $15 fine (not for having the snake but for taking up a 5 minute slot of the disciplinary lady's time).

Good luck with your roommates! Only thing.. make sure you know someone outside of the school's living situation who would take responsibility for your pets if you were to get caught with them. I'll admit though, my friend who smuggled in a frog was much more successful than I at remaining undetected.
GiantBlueberry said:
My dormitories only allowed fish in small tanks, nothing that could climb out of its enclosure.
Of course in breaking the rules I chose a pet that was the most likely to escape its enclosure. This risk was made more imminent by my experience, I was a first time owner.
The consequence of my 3 month old cornsnake ending up in my Hawaiian native RA's room was... a very freaked out girl, a 1,000 word essay assignment, and a $15 fine (not for having the snake but for taking up a 5 minute slot of the disciplinary lady's time).

Good luck with your roommates! Only thing.. make sure you know someone outside of the school's living situation who would take responsibility for your pets if you were to get caught with them. I'll admit though, my friend who smuggled in a frog was much more successful than I at remaining undetected.

My boyfriend cares for my 7 snakes and 2 turtles during the week (I drive home from school on the weekends.) If I ever had any issues with my hidden pets, he'd be happy to take them too. The risk is too great to sneak in a snake. I think I'm doing fine with my frog and bettas. lol