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Meet Dina, my hubby's early b-day present


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This is Dina, named after Black Canary superhero, (my hubs is a bit of a nerd lol) She is a 3 month old normal Ball Python, we got her this weekend and have her set up in a nice 20g long, until she is a little bit bigger, I got a few quick pics of her but have been leaving her alone (it is hard!).

I do have a question. The shop I bought her from which is our local-ish reptile shop, has been feeding her live and if possible I would like to get her over to f/t as soon as acceptable. Any suggestions?



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She is a pretty little girl! I don't know anything about switching BPs so I will stick with wishing you luck! BlueAppleHerps hatched some BPs, so maybe he would know.
Good luck with the switch, BPs are notoriously hard to switch to F/T. She's very pretty!
When I finally got the one I was babysitting to switch, the main thing was the mouse had to be very hot. The first few times, I was worried about it burning it's mouth, but it didn't seem to bother it. It refused F/T for about a month & a half. Then I went ahead & fed it live & the next week tried F/T again & that time it took it. So going hungry sometimes works but you might need to try live to jump start it back into being hungry. Hopefully someone with more than my very limited experience will have some more advice for you soon.
well if it isnt possible to get to switch, we are not opposed to feeding live, we would just prefer not to. In the end it comes down to what is best for the snake, and in my opinion, it is best if it eats.

However we are going to try, figure there is no harm in trying and we have other snakes that eat the same size mouse so if we buy multiple frozens they wont go to waste.

And thanks for your compliments my hubs is just in love with her and talks to her everyday since we are holding off on handling her.

Thanks again and keep the advice rolling in lol. I am doing research, but I trust you guys as a reliable resource :D
I don't have experience with ball pythons, but when we first got our Rosy Boa he had been feeding live. He seemed confused by the little dead mice, like he would sometimes grab them hold them for a few minutes, then forget all about them. What worked for me was doing the little zombie dance with the mice, making it look like they were alive, and by making sure they were very warm. We also fed him in his tank to start off with. Once he got more used to us and to the F/T mice I was able to move him to a feeding container. It took a while, and some refusals, but now he eats F/T with no problem. Good luck!
Here is the thread I started when trying to get the one I was holding switched over. He did always need it danced when he was eating. Finally bought a set of very long pliers to use, since I had a hard time with the tongs. At the end he got to the point where I'd open up the cage, stick it down by him, jiggle it a bit & within about 30 seconds he'd strike.