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Member for awhile but first post


Just need 1 more corn fix
Hello everyone.I found this site about 9 months ago and was able to learn everything I needed to know before I started my addiction. I'm kinda shy so I just read everything I needed to know and kept quit but I figured it was about time I introduced myself. My name is Chris and I started out with 1 corn and within a mounth wound up with 3. I am still learning about morphs so I don't know what they are except for the one classic that I have:shrugs:. I will post pics soon so you guys can tell me. So there it is and thanks for the great site to learn everything I needed.
Welcome and don't be shy. Everyone on here, which I'm sure you know, is nice and supportive. Can't wait to see pics of your collection!
I'm glad you've found the site helpful and that you've plucked up the courage to introduce yourself, so welcome to the forum Chris! :)
Welcome and don't be shy. Everyone on here, which I'm sure you know, is nice and supportive. Can't wait to see pics of your collection!
Ya I know. I learned alot from everyone here. I posted pictures in the photo gallery under pics of my 3 corns.And thanks for the welcoming.:)
I'm glad you've found the site helpful and that you've plucked up the courage to introduce yourself, so welcome to the forum Chris! :)
Thanks. It's just I'm a quite person and don't usually talk to people I don't know.:dunce: Now you guys may never get me to shut up.
Welcome! Saw the pictures. You have lovely cornsnakes. You do know this is an addiction, and soon you will have more, and then you will start planning breeding projects, right? :rofl: Anyway, welcome, and don't be shy!
:) welcome. yes awesome people here!! dont be shy, no one bites... (well...) addiction... yes. wondered what kind of trouble i was getting into before corn snakes entered my life. *shrug just cant seem to remember. meh?
Welcome, you will learn lots of stuff if you ask questions, there are some people here who know a LOT about cornsnakes.
I'm quiet too, but sometimes, I just post about what interests me. :)
Welcome to the forum! Really no need to be shy. The people here are helpfull and nice. Im sure this forum will help you alot.