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Mice size to weight question...


Hebi Kage
My corn has now reached around 95g. According to the Munson Plan he should be on one 14-20g mouse a week.

The thing is, the hoppers/small mice, that i bought are just about the right size for him, but they weigh about 10-11g each.

Now, should i look at changing supplier?

Or would it be ok to feed him one 10-11g mouse and one smaller fuzzy that i have left over from when he was smaller? (to make up the weight of the feed)

Thanks in advance for any replies
Remember that the Munson plan is just a guideline and doesn’t need to be followed exactly to the letter. I would say that a 95g snake is about ready for weanlings (15g mice) If you still have a bunch of hoppers in the freezer, try giving your snake two hoppers every other week. When they are used up, change to a bigger size.