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i have a question with breeding mice. I was wondering how much room it took, and how long till a baby mouse is a fuzzy to a hopper to an adult. i cant have a female mouse have 10 babies that are gunna be an adult in like 2 weeks. but i odnt know the right information to start breeding them and that is where my questions are. also what would you feed mice, and is it better to breed your own mice instead of buying them from the store? is it a sanatary thing or is there really no difference? i know you have to be carefull if you bread mice and house your snake, you wouldnt want and unfortuniant events to accure. if you can help me with this it would be great. thanks in advance :eatsmiley
Well i will say it first before anyone else there is a feeder forum in the misc postings. there you will be able to get all of you questions answered. there is a lot of information. I myself have looked into breeding eventually as I have only one snake it is not a pressing matter. But i have owned pet mice they do mature quickly but not in two weeks although they can bring in 2 months if that gives you an idea.