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Do you breed your own mice?

  • Yes, I breed them

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • No, I buy them

    Votes: 19 76.0%

  • Total voters
I buy them cuase it seems like a lot easier because if you breed them you've got to feed them as well haven't you? And give them somewhere to live.
But on the other hand it might be easier to breed them because you always have some in your house.
What about both???

I buy most of them, but I breed some also. I have some difficult feeders that only want to eat live pinkies. You guys are right...they do stink :eek: If I could buy live pinkies somewhere, I definitely wouldn't breed mice!
whell i can't breed them here for 2 reasons
1) my dad is deadly scared of mice
2) my sister used to breed em when she was like 2 or 3 and sell em to the pet store for like 25 cents each and we told her that they made good pets when she was young so she woun't let me breed em cause it'll bring back bad memories
I, too, don't breed mice due to the smell, that and I'm too much of a wuss to feed live or pre-kill them. Plus I have a cat, that wouldn't go well....