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MicroScale/MicroPave Morph


New member
Hi All!

I just wanted to put something out there that has been on my mind. About a year and a half (or so) ago, I came across a thread here by SnakeAround, who used to be quite active on this site.. In the thread she documents a spontaneous mutation (one assumes) in her collection, which she named "MicroScale". It is a fascinating thread, which I would recommend to anyone who hasn't read it yet.

Being the Corn Snake Addict that I am, and having come into some money at that time, I decided to contact her and see about trying to import one. She was quite pleasant when she responded, but told me that she has sold her MicroScale corns to another breeder whose name she didn't disclose. However, she DID tell me the names of 3 breeders who she gave MicroScale corns to, here in the U.S.

Well, I attempted to contacted all 3 breeders. 2 of them no longer have the snakes she gave them, and one never responded to multiple emails; he actually has a rather large operation selling corn snakes, so I can only assume that he doesn't want to communicate about theses snakes, as he responded to inquires about other snakes he keeps.

I am not naming the 3 U.S. breeders who received theses snakes, because the first 2 were so nice that I don't see the need to drag their names into this, and the 3rd is someone who is well established and I don't want to be on his bad side.

In any case, I had pretty much come to the conclusion that the mutation no longer existed here in the U.S. until a few months ago, when Ian's Vivarium updated their morph list and included MicroScale. I am not positive where I saw it posted, but I came across a post by Ian's Vivarium referencing MicroScale and they said they had verified it. SO....I am guessing that the 3rd person here in the U.S. provided that verification...

Ultimately, I guess what I am asking the community here, is if anyone has any knowledge of the mutation beyond what I have posted above. I am still desperately wanting to add this mutation to my collection and any information regarding it would be greatly appreciated.

I would love if people in the U.S. started working with it a bit more. I think it's a really beautiful morph. Sorry I can't help you!
I actually just read through the entirety of the thread in question the other day and was wondering if these snakes were still around. Not a morph I'm looking to acquire (I prefer full scaleless) but it's a good-looking morph all the same and I was wondering how prevalent they've become since they were initially proved out.

I do hope that that third breeder you mentioned has them, or at least has sold them on to another breeder. It's a little odd that so little has been heard of them, and it would be a tragedy if they went extinct. I suppose there must be some hets around so that they could be brought back, but that would require the owners knowing what they have and being interested in producing microscaled corns.
I know one breeder who had some and ended up sending them to another breeder, and I'm sure that is the big breeder you are referring to.
I don't have any info besides that, but if he is not replying about it, I'm gathering he probably wants to keep it quiet at this point.
People I've known to have microscale or hets in the last few years: Blake Quiros, Barbara Velthuysen, Lynnea Stadelmann.

As far as I know, Blake currently has eggs from his pair of hets.
Tara Smith had some, but sent them to another breeder.
They are cool! I got to see them a while back.

Yes, Tara and I spoke (as you know), but she wasnt certain if the person who got the snake kept it alive (at least that's what I got out of our conversation).

The other person who I spoke to, just told me that his died.

The third is keeping tight-lipped, and I can understand wanting to set up a morph as a business opportunity, but (imo) it doesn't seem to make sense to hold this morph back when he is selling a different unique morph (and making a bundle) that he aquired AFTER he acquired the MicroScale. (If any of that makes sense...).

Ah, well, I guess we shall see.....
