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Milk Snake x Motley Corn Snake

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
From my retired SerpenCo.com website.

Milk Snake x Motley Corn Snake

This cultivar has been covered briefly in the section on the Milk Snake Phase Corns.

Obviously, this cultivar will need a new name eventually. But it's still a bit premature to come up with one yet and I'd prefer to wait until a name just strikes me as being right for this animal, rather than strain the brain to try to force the shoe to fit.

Some of the best examples of this project are very pleasing to the eye and have nice broad saddles of orange-red on a light silver gray background. Some will have patternless abdomens of the genetic Motley line and others will have lightly scattered areas of black markings over a predominantly whitish abdomen. These are being sold based on appearance and NOT as being a genetic recessive Motley line. Preliminary results are showing that being a genetic Motley does not especially affect the look of this line, as one would initially suppose.

One interesting sideline in this cultivar is that apparently an odd form of what seems to be Hypomelanism might be at work on a few of the individuals I have retained. In these individuals, the coloration would begin to intensify with each and every shed, creating an amazingly boldly patterned animal, quite unlike the typical Hypomelanism we are used to working with. Those of you with experience working with Hypomelanism will be aware that most individuals will be starkly brighter then their siblings when you have both in a clutch, but as they reach adulthood, it may be a little tough to pick which ones are the Hypos and which ones are not. In this particular line (which is also prevalent in my Caramel Motley lines), the exact opposite happens. Babies can be pretty much indistinguishable from normal colored siblings, and it is not until maybe the third or fourth shed that you begin to notice there is a slight edge to some of them that wasn't apparent before.

This is still being explored and at this point I am extremely hesitant to say that it is even anything predictable or controllable as a recessive genetic trait. More work needs to be done.....