My little ghost shed last night, for her second time with me. I took out the shed to look at it and it ws perfect except for one scale spot on the head, but that's not an issue I figured, I'll take a 99% perfect shed. But then when I looked at her she had a teeny red spot and the scale was missing. It was fine and intact previous to the shed. What should I be doing for her? Does it need to be covered, and if so, how? What could have caused this, trying to get the little shed off? There's a log and a branch in the cage, the log is a little rough, but nothing that she or my other have been hurt on before and the branch is smooth. I'm going away for week on monday, should I have someone checking in on her, or is leaving her alone the best idea? I tried to get a picture of it, but she's a little squirmy, she won't really sit still, so the best I could do was this where you can see the while line arching across her head is broken.