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Joseph Jelly

New member
Hi all, so I recently adopted to corns from a friend of mine who couldnt hold on to them anymore. When I was handling one of them the other day, I noticed that on his ventral he had a section that had grayish/black dots all over it. At first I thought it looked similar to almost some sort of fungal infection. However after doing some research I found that it may be mites. Ive posted two pictures below and I would love to hear y'alls opinion....Is it mites or could it be just discolored scales...he is a motley and does actually have ONE random black scale on his ventral below his head...dont know if its possible for it to just be black pigment bleeding through....


Definitely just his color :) My motley boy has some of those mischievous little dots too!
Looks like color to me. I would think if it were mites they would be moving around. At least a snake I seen at a pet shop had little brown specks moving around on it.
NOT mites, mites are mostly found in-between scales, and tend to raise the scales if they have been present for a period of time (feeding). They can rarely be found free-ranging. (rarely because we humans don't happen to notice them when their not on our pet). You can remove a mite by running a finger across it, then across a paper towel & check the color smear... a pigment spot will not be removed by running a finger across it - a parasite will.