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More bad news coverage for us. PETA raid.

Horrible situation but I have a problem with one of their issues is being transported in deli cups as well. How else are we suppose to do that? Ha ha
Oh, the horror! Snakes transported in deli cups!!! Draws doubt to how bad the situation even was.

By the way, PeTA didn't raid anything. They have no more right to "raid" a facility than I do. As is their way, they bring in a mole with a camera (usually who gets a job there), get the worst footage they can, edit it as negatively as they can, and turn that in to authorities. These "wholesalers" are almost certainly some real scumbags, but PeTA doesn't raid a damn thing. Remember this story before you decide to over-breed and wholesale off your "extra" babies to strangers.
They would have just hated it around my place when we had to cull a bunch of mice for freezer stock.

As for the deli cup thing, how many snakes in deli cups do you think will be at Expo next month?
Not deli cups!! oh no!!!!!!!

But really- I doubt that the animals were starved... just some stupid people who don't realize that snakes don't eat every day, or every week!! Same for the mice and rats, probably were bonking them before feeding them to the snakes.
I like the part where it says " Rescue workers were so disturbed by what they saw they needed crisis counseling"!!! Lmao Rofl:laugh::laugh::laugh01::rofl::roflmao:
Those people would just DIE watching the process of creating pork chops and ground beef. :grin01:
106 counts of animal cruelty, an additional 11 counts of torturing or cruelly killing rodents (boy, we had a dandy of a thread about that a few weeks ago): other than the snakes in deli cups (and if that was long term, that's bad too), this is no matter to mock, especially for people who care about animals and our hobby. Not good.

many were dead and maggot-ridden, and the rest had to be euthanized...

Animals were starved and dehydrated, and "some were literally eating each other alive";
• Workers fired BB guns at animals;
• Video shows employees swinging a rat by its tail;
• Animals were slammed into objects and thrown in trash cans;
Yeah I went back and watched the video. It was pretty terrible not just a matter of editing those animals were in bad shape. I did notice one thing that bugged me a little. They showed an emaciated boa and said the boa had not been fed in a month and later died. It takes a lot longer than a month for an animal to end up in that shape. I'm glad justice is being done in this case.
Ugh, I hate to even give their website a hit. The video was certainly bad (I tapped out at 1:30), and several of the animals should have been euthanized, even if by "non-traditional" methods, just to stop the suffering. However, keep mouse colonies long enough, and with the best of care you will have castrated males and degloved tails, and old rats get tumors. However, killing rodents by a whack or BB gun is just absurd. The article said they had a CO2 chamber, why not just use it? The thin monitor was horrible, a freezer would have been preferable to that. Those are definitely not breeders with the best interest of the animals in mind. I wonder if they are on the BOI?
I did't make it past 30 seconds of that... and I still have images in my mind.. oh my, I too am glad those guys are behind bars where they belong. -_-
However, keep mouse colonies long enough, and with the best of care you will have castrated males and degloved tails, and old rats get tumors.

Yep, that is true. They had 16,000 rats and mice supposedly...law of numbers would say that there is a chance at least a few might have problems. I am not advocating that they were good keepers but to keep at least some of it in perspective...things happen.

I have had a flooded tub before that resulted in death of rodents. Did I do it on purpose? No! Was I happy about it? NO! It made be sad and I hated that it happened. Fortunately, at the time I still had one of my caimans and he didn't mind dead rodents so the dead ones did not go to waste.

Yes, many of those images on the video are sickening and horrible and should have been prevented. A few, however, could have been accidental and law of numbers. The rest are carelessness and stupidity of the keepers and for those I hope they are punished.
I agree with Joba, not good for our hobby and not good to mock. The deli cup thing is silly, though I can understand how uninformed people could view it as cruel (though if they were living in deli cups, that could be cruel - eg a large snake crammed into one).

But beyond that, if you have maggot infested dead animals or are firing BB guns at animals, you're obviously not taking care of your animals and treating them humanely.

Yes, PETA is a hypocritical organization, but don't let their involvement automatically let you dismiss this case. If its as bad as it is, then I'm glad these guys got exposed (whether by PETA or whomever) and hope they get punished.
Yup, I too pretty much suspected that this was another publicity stunt but... towards the end of the video... no, these levels of neglect are indeed horrifying.
This was last November/December that the "Raid" took place
it just has taken them this long to pursue the charges.
Mitch was in it strictly for the money and didn't care a whole
lot about the husbandry.
I talked to him at a show we were both selling at in Oct 2012
and he was looking to buy an entire corn collection to expand
his corn breeding. I had asked him if I could come to his facility
sometime to check it out, and was told he didn't allow outside
guests into the facility for the animals sake.
He did give me a hatchling Corn as a gift for sending customers to
him to buy tank set ups ($65 for a 20L, aspen bedding, hide, water dish, UTH, and a care book).
I still have the cool male Ultra Anery and it has always been perfectly healthy.
The original report complained of "Hundreds of dead mice in freezers" also..