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More than one?


New member
Is it safe to have more than one corn in one tank. I've heard of snakes eating eachother and I'm not sure if corns are prone to it. Any info on this would really help, thanks.
You should do a search on keeping two corns together...The majority say no but you need to decide for yourself...

BTW, welcome to the forums! :)
Yep, they say corns are prone to canibalism. However, there are quite a few people on the forum who do successfully keep 2 corns together. Its a topic you'll probably get a lot of debate on. I guess it comes down to if you think its worth the gamble. I'd probably err towards the side of caution, but maybe thats just me.

I keep 2 corns in one tank and they've done fine they get along really well and are always curled up together and havent shown any signs of agression toward eachother.
Are they similar ages or anything? I found somewhere that it is safe enough if you introduce them over a period of time and they are no more than three or four inches different in length...
yea they should be within 6 inches in lenght. Dont feed them together and keep them seperated for 30 mintutes if you feed them the same day. If you are feeding one a few day before the othere, then keep them apart for 4-6 hours. This is what I recomend, this way when one goes to the bathroom, you will know or if it regurges because you will know it is the one you just fed. I feed one then 3 days later I feed the other. THis gives enough time for the first to go to the bathroom so I know it went. and no they are NOT prone to cannablism in the wild. King snakes are, and people keep them together. good luck with whatever you choose.
I have 2 corns together and have done for about a month, they both seem happy together at the moment but if I did notice any chage in behavior then I would seperate them straight away. I did quite a lot of research before i got another though. Mine are quite diiferent in size but both females. You should never keep 2 males together as they may get agressive. Also it is possible that 2 females will not get along and you will need to moniter the behaviour of both corns throughout their time together as the can turn on each other at any time. This is unlikely though if you have had no probs in the first week. If you have 2 young corns then size is an issue and they should be very simalar in size, this is not too imprtant with adults. Also they will always need to be fed seperately (in different enclosures). Although I keep my corns together I am not saying that 2 corns will always get on so do listen to the advice of other replies to this thread also.
I've kept 2 together sucsesfully for a number of years without canablism, but you have to know it can happen but it is very rare in corn snakes. darkpbstar is right in the feeding department, as it's what i advised him to do (the 30 mins plus bit), and vicki also took my advice with the same precautions in place. Unless they are adult's then anything smaller then 20 inches i don't recomend putting them together, and when you do make sure the size differance is no MORE the 6 inches, to keep all risks to a minimum.
right on cornman, yes you have helped me out in the past with that info. NOw I share it to people too, everyone listen to cornman.
Just remember this has worked for me and isn't for everyone. If you do house 2 together just remember the small risk of canablism, and the bigger risk of early pregnancy and egg binding. If proper precautions are taken then it can work.
Yes, Cornman has given me a lot of advice especially when i decided to get another corn and thanks to him I can now share that advice with others and am now the proud owner of 2 corns. :crazy02:
So you do not reccomend housing two males together? I have a 1-1 1/2 year old and a 4 year old.... would this be a big no no?
Lick um, I wouldnt personally. I took a lot of advice when getting my second snake and was told from every source NEVER HOUSE 2 MALES TOGTHER. I am almost sure both of mine are females although I have not had them probed yet. If you really want to keep 2 males together I was told that they should be seperated during the breeding season as this is when they are most likely to become agressive towards each other.
Are they in seperate vivs at the moment? What is the reason for you wanting to house them together? If it is just so they each have a bit of company then i would really say NO as it will probably stress them out more than anything. If they are happy as they are then leave them seperate.
Well - they are sort of in seperate viv's. I have them both in a 65 gal. tank that I have divided equally down the middle. But for the two that I have, I am afraid that this is not enough space for my older adult corn. Plus they are more than 6" different in length, so I doubt it would work out anyway. I am just looking into getting another tank, probably a 20 gal. long. The problem with that is the room to put it. I would not have had this delima, but the breeder I bought them both from told me that they would be fine living together. So I went ahead and got them and now the more I read on here, the more I am leaning away from keeping them together. My adult 4 year old snow is @ 4', where as my 1 year old hypo. striped is @ 3'. Right now they have a space of 18"x18"x21" each, and from what I have read this is not enough for my big guy. hmmmmm - what to do, what to do...
Ideally a 3foot viv is enought for one and a 4foot enough for 2. A good guide is that the longest side should be about 2/3 the length of the snake. My snakes are different lengths one 3.5 foot and the other about 5foot and they are happy together. Size is only a main factor when the snakes are quite young, mine are about 2-3yrs old. Are you sure both youre snakes are males? It maybe an idea to post a good picture of the underside of the tail on the forum and prehaps someone can confirm the sex for you. Have they lived together before?
If they are both males (confirmed yes/no?) then huse them seperatly.
if it is a male/female or female/female combo then a 65 g long shoud be ok if it mesure 42 inches or more and at least 15 inches wide and high. Otherwise a 3ft long and 18/18 H/W for an indivual snake is ideal, like vicki said.
I was told by the breeder that they were both males. I actually watched him probe them, and from what I have read they did seem to be males. But I will try to post some pic's of them. I do appreciate all the info you all have given me. This site has been a tremendous help in putting together my set-up and answering any and or all of my questions. Thanks again.