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Morgan (dog) photos


Can't Keep A Secret
I know Morgan has a few fans out there, and it's been a while since I've shared any photos. So I thought I'd post a few from this past weekend!

We got ice cream (he had vanilla).

He wanted my ice cream.

Then we filled up the kiddie pool.

He has a special relationship with the hose.


This is the way he plays in the pool... face completely submerged.



And he did a lot of running around between splashes.

My dog is a goof. Lol!

Sorry I don't have any real handsome photos of him this time around. I still figured I'd share, though. ;)

Hope you enjoy!
Oh! Just as I posted this thread I found one handsome-ish photo from earlier in the weekend. :)


Thanks again for looking! :D
Aww he is so cute! I work at a dog boarding kennel and we have a lot of goofball doggies come in, and he seems to be just like the best of them! :)