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Morphs in General


New member
Anyone know of a single location where I can just read about all the different morphs. I am really interested to learn a lot more about the different morphs and it'd be nice to not have to wade through hundreds of threads.

There are probably other sites but one good one is Ian's Vivarium

The site does not have all the possible combinations. It does have 247 and growing.

Another good resource is the book Cornsnake Morph Guide by Charles Pritzel. He made yearly editions through 2011.

Thanks! I've looked up the Cornsnake Morph Guide and its apparently sold out at the two places I've found it so far (amazon and cornguide.com).
Kathy Love might have some more cornsnake morph guide. I bought mine from Charles website and read it so much it is falling apart great pics and info on alot of morphs it made me add 20 more snakes to my wish list! Good Luck
I'd heard somewhere that only around 750,000 genetic combinations exist at the present, out of a possible 5 or 6 million combinations. I don't think they are all in a single book or website. And there can be a lot of variety within a specific genetic combo.
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Wow Dave that many I would of never guessed that many. But at least those numbers still give me a few years to maybe make my own genetic wonder lol.