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Mother snake not eating


New member
Mother snake ate 1 (6 week old mouse) on March 15th. Had 22 eggs on April 5th. Removed everything out of cage and put in new subtrate so there would be no smell of eggs. Has refused to eat anything. Live, brained, thawed mouse. Even tried a lizard. She is losing weight. Need help! Any suggestions. When should I consider taking her to a Vet.
As she's losing weight, I'd say hit the vet now if you have access to a reliable reptile person. At least they might give a calcium shot, which seems a useful pick-me-up in this situation. Or maybe they could tube-feed her a nutritional booster in solution.

Have you tried offering very small items like fuzzies or pinkies? Also try a supplement like Critical Care Formula in her water.
Yes I have tried pinkies and fuzzies. Don't know where to get some Critical Care Formula. She is a good drinker. I have use grapefruit seed extract in water since she was young. I have read that one person dipped the mouse in a raw egg with success. Willing to try it. This particular snake belongs to my grand-daughter age 11. The girls in the family are the snake lovers.
Don't know about the US, but in the UK most vets stock CCF as it's used for a whole range of animals (definitely standard and safe for use with reptiles).

You could maybe also try searching online shops for nutritional supplements, and buy one that dissolves in drinking water?

With reluctant hatchlings, I've had the occasional one that reacts to a pinkie dippied in the oil from a can of tuna (I don't use the stuff in brine as I don't know if a Corn's kidneys are designed to cope with salt). Someone else I read about years ago, used to scent his pinkies by rubbing them on the inside of fish sticks. Dipping in chicken broth is another scenting technique that might work.
Arwen is passing slugs, one week after laying eggs. Maybe that might be the reason she doesn't want to eat. Anyone know if this is common.
I've not had personal experience with any of mine laying slugs, yet, but I've heard and read that sometimes a female will lay slugs days, weeks or even months after laying the rest of the clutch :shrugs:

My instinct would say that may be why she has not eaten yet, and I know of some females that won't start feeding again until after their post-lay shed. My one female that has laid so far this year, laid her eggs on the 25th March and had her post-lay shed on the 5th April, but then she did accept food straight after laying :shrugs:

I would keep an eye on her and when you think she's done laying the slugs, try offering her a couple of fuzzies, as she might accept them more readily before going into blue for the post-lay shed. I would also try offering her a drink when she's done as well, as she may be too tired to go help herself.

How much did she weigh before breeding? If she was a good weight then she should be ok.

Good luck and best wishes,
I want to thank everyone for all their help. This morning Arwen decided to strike at me when I took another slug out of her cage. I decided to try to feed her again. I dunked f/t small pinkie in a beated egg yolk and she struck at it and down the hatch. I offered her another. She took it also. I guess she likes eggs. Thanks again.
Congrats, sounds like she's going to be just fine with a little TLC (tender loving care) from you, well done!

Best wishes,
Congrats....sometime there's nothing better than a little "snake and eggs" for breakfast, to start the morning out.
Today Arwen ate three 10 day old baby f/t mice. She is going to shed. Next feeding will most likely be after she sheds. Will give her a 5/6 week old mouse.