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Motley's continued feeding issues


New member
Well, I think I've screwed up a bit with feeding Motley. Yes, I've gotten him to take his own prey but the problem is that it was TWO live anoles. I tried scenting a pinky with anole and he completely ignored it along with all of the pinkys (unscented) before. Also, this last anole fought back and did bite Motley right in the middle of his body. He even bled for a couple of minutes after the attack. He continued to constrict after I pried the anole's jaws off of him and he was determined (bite or not) to swallow this thing. Again, why can't he have the same determination with a harmless pinky??? He ended up swallowing it alive (much to my dismay, which is one reason I won't feed him live anoles ever again.

I am now paranoid he has parasites. He only ate two live so how can I tell if he gets parasites from the anoles?? It's too bad really as he 'comes alive' when a live anole is offered. He attacks and constricts like a 'normal' snake. I sure wish he would do that with pinkies.

I was fortunate enough to come across an anole up for adoption at my work (along with a 20L tank, and accessories) for free. THIS time I euth'd the anole and will attempt to literally put bits of the anole on a pinky. Last time, I tried winding the tail of the anole around a pinky and that didn't work. Something about the way the live ones move maybe??

Should I take Motley (and fecal sample) to a vet to have him checked for parasites?? He seems fine and there is no wound where he was bit (must have been just a scrape). He is active and normal.
I'm taking a lack of response as: "No worries, he'll be fine?". Whatever. I hope so.

On another note, Motley escaped from his tank sometime last night. I discovered he was missing around dinnertime. I found him curled up in my husband's pile of junk on his closet floor after about 5 minutes of searching. He's none the worse for wear and trying to escape again. His body is just the right size to fit in the space between the viv and the lid (there's a little lip just below the top of the tank) and managed to squeeze out from a small gap on the locking screen lid I had. I switched to a closer fitting top that is also heavier. I put a book on it for good measure. As I type this, he is again, squeezed in the tight space between the viv "lip" and the screen cover. I don't think he can get out of this one, at least I hope not.

On the feeding front, I have a FROZEN anole this time and will work on integrating it with a pinky for his next meal.
Well, I'd be tickled pink if my nonfeeder would eat -anything-... you can count your lucky stars that he's eating something, at least.

It might take you a really long time to switch him over to something else, but at the very least you don't have the impending doom of your snake's death looming over you!

I hope your little one eats something else soon, goodluck to you!
Thanks for the reply! I just read your force-feeding thread regarding your little guy. It IS kind of scary (and some reptile experts advise against it) but in my mind it's better to try and force feed even though the worst COULD happen, whereas, by him slowing starving, the worst WILL happen.

I was very reluctant to force-feed Motley because 20 years ago, I also had a non-feeding hatchling corn. That corn didn't make it. However, Motley is such a cool and NICE snake that I just couldn't give up on him. He was pretty weak and thin when I started (and man was I scared and frustrated in the beginning) but I was also very persistant and careful. The force feeding stressed us both but here we are, three months later, Motley getting stronger and bigger (He's shed 3X's since I bought him).

I decided though, I just couldn't continue with force feeding and had to go with the unthinkable. A live anole. Risky, I'm sure with the parasite issue and all, but I had to get him to eat SOMETHING. He took that anole down like it was what he was born to eat. Ten minutes and the (first anole) was in his tummy. The second live one was a bit of a mess-up, so that, coupled with a risk of parasites, I will now do everything in my power to get him to eat a DEAD anole (or parts integrated with a f/t pinky).

If he won't go for that, I have to continue force-feeding or let him make up his own mind to eat pinkies or starve. I have never come across such a STUBBORN animal in my life.

Just jump in and do it (force-feeding). There are LOTS of great people with good information (and experience) on here to help you along the way. With luck and patience, who knows? Maybe your little guy will give in and eat much sooner than mine (eating pinkys that is).
Keep scenting the pinkies and try to convert him. I've had a few snakes start on lizards and switch succesfully to pinky mice. I'm kind of against force feeding if a snake is eating on its own. If you do need to keep feeding your snake anoles, freeze the lizards first, Your snake will hopefully still eat them, freezing will kill parasites and eliminate the threat of being bitten.
Motley07 said:
I was fortunate enough to come across an anole up for adoption at my work (along with a 20L tank, and accessories) for free. THIS time I euth'd the anole and will attempt to literally put bits of the anole on a pinky.

I just want to note that I'd feel bad for who ever gave up the anole for adoption. Not that I'm against euthanizing animals for food, just if this is some ones pet and they want to adopt it to someone who will look after it and you take it and chop it in to tiny bits... wouldn't it just be better to buy your own to chop up rather than using some else's pet? Just a thought.
antsterr said:
I just want to note that I'd feel bad for who ever gave up the anole for adoption. Not that I'm against euthanizing animals for food, just if this is some ones pet and they want to adopt it to someone who will look after it and you take it and chop it in to tiny bits... wouldn't it just be better to buy your own to chop up rather than using some else's pet? Just a thought.

Yes, I felt bad and won't obtain another one in that manner. Like I said, it's bad enough I have to feed Anoles (I don't enjoy it) but this is what he eats for now. The owner of the anole obviously didn't care enough to keep this pet for life and basically dumped it on us, but still, I would prefer Motley to start eating pinkies as soon as possible.
HOORAY!! Motley FINALLY did it!! He ate a pinky on his own. This is kind of graphic but it may help others. After eating two live anoles on his own, I froze the last anole. Today I cut it in half and gutted the inside of one half. I then slit the skin lengthwise and placed a thawed pinky inside the "coat" of lizard. Motley looked as if he was going to ignore it but when I repositioned the pinky and re-draped the anole skin on it, he casually slid over (completely ignoring me) and calmly wolfed the pinky down and the anole skin just slid to a heap in the feed container.:licklips:

I still have the bottom half of the frozen anole for another feeding. One thing, He is still barely a foot or a bit more. He has eaten pinkys (force-fed ones) that could have been fuzzies (more whitish and MUCH larger) for his August feedings. They were sold as pinkies but I thought they were rather large. When will a young cornsnake be ready for fuzzies? Should Motley be eating TWO pinkies in a week??? What do you think??
As a slow starter, no, keep offering him one pinkie until he eats them with no trickery.

Then, once he weighs 16 grams or so, start to offer him 2 pinkies. At 24 grams you can probably then move up to fuzzies.
Well, I thought I had this beat, but Motley seemed to know I was trying to trick him this time (who says snakes aren't smart?) He smelled the anole(skin)on the pinky and started for it just like last time. This time he opened his mouth around the head, started to swallow, and then let go and tried to escape the container again. SO FRUSTRATING!! I left two pinkys in his container and finally dumped the head of my frozen anole in. He ate the anole head but left the scented pinky alone. I think he knows the trick. Now, other than force feeding again, or giving him anoles at $8 a pop for god knows how long, I don't know what else to do.
You only fed him 4 days ago, right? Skip a while. My hypo-bloodred needed some "leave me alone time" between feedings. If I tried to feed him every four days he'd just refuse... so I skipped feeding him the next two times my other babies ate... after 12 days he went RIGHT for the pinkie when I tried again.

Might be worth a try.