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mouse question


New member
We just tried to feed our little guy a thawed frozen mouse, and he wouldn't eat. We don't want to waste the mouse. Is it safe to re freeze a thawed mouse?
I personally would not, regardless. Once thawed, if not eaten, I would toss it.
Did you leave the mouse in overnight?
Some of my snakes won't eat right away, but if I leave the rodent in overnight, it is gone by morning.

How old is the snake? How long have you had it? Is it possibly in shed?
He's not very old, I'm not sure exactly. He's maybe a foot long, about as thick as my pinkie finger. We've had him about 3 months. I don't know how often they shed, but he shed a week or so after we bought him. He just went from eating pinkies to fuzzies. He doesn't seem to want to eat very often after he's had a fuzzy. Maybe they're too big for him? He can and does eat them, and he was eating 2 pinkies at a time without getting much of a lump.
Do you have a digital scale that you can weigh him?

How often are you offering food?

I agree, you need a scale to weigh the snake and the mouse to find the right size to feed.

And if you are offering food more than once every 5 days, stop, see if he sheds over the next week, if he does you can feed him right away, if not, wait a few more days until he is good and hungry.
I don't move to fuzzies until the snake hits 25 grams, then I feed 1 fuzzy every 7 days. A scale is really a valuable tool IMO a must have to keep snakes, takes a lot of guesswork out .
I don't move to fuzzies until the snake hits 25 grams, then I feed 1 fuzzy every 7 days. A scale is really a valuable tool IMO a must have to keep snakes, takes a lot of guesswork out .

Welcome back, Greg! Long time!

Angel, he should have shed by now, still wait it out and see if he sheds, don't offer food until he does, or in another week or so go back and try pinkies.