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Moving and travel with a corn...


Crackberry Junkie
So, here's the story. I am a college student, I live out the school year in MA and the summers in NYC. I have two corns, both of whom I have traveled with before. The anery doesn't seem to have any issues- she eats, poops and sheds just fine no matter where she is. My hypo however seems to go off his food every time I move him. Last time I took them home over Christmas break, King Crimson didn't eat for the whole month and a half. And then voila- back at school for three days and he is sucking down pinkies like nobodies business. Since January he hasn't missed a meal, but I'm afraid he will go off his food again when I take him back to New York, and four months is a long time for a yearling to go without eating. So, I was wondering if anyone knew what could be causing him to go off his food and what I can do to prevent it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be the water that I thaw the mice in, so I'm going to start defrosting them in a baggie so they don't smell/taste like the local water. But is there anything else I can do?
It may have just been a coincidence but you need to look for what is different between NY and MA. The water is one thought, but you also need to check your pinky supply. If you purchase them separately in both places, that would be a major possibility as I have had several hatchlings that simply won't eat my home-grown pinkies but will scarf down any that I've purchased from Rodent Pro.

You need to compare everything about the snake's environment to look for possible differences. A different shaped hide in the middle versus the corner of the viv, a temperature that is slightly off on the warm or cool side, more outside activity near the viv (living room versus bedroom), increased or decreased noise levels/vibrations, things like that, can all affect whether your snake may or may not eat in the different location.
It was the same vivs, at that time they were both in little kritter keeper type housing, they each had one hide and a plastic plant and a water bowl....the temps were the same, the pinkies were the same and if anything the room they were in was quieter than my dorm room at school. I just don't know. I guess I'm just worried about him, he's my baby.