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Multiple regurges


New member
First of all, I really missed the boat on this one. I let my daughter (17 yr old) buy a snake a couple of months ago. Everything seemed to be going fine. Then I rescued a snake within days of her purchase. I must admit that I have spend practically all of my time with my snake and not enough with hers. It all started yesterday when my wife told me that the aquarium was smelling bad in my daughters room. I looked around and found 3 regurges in the tank. She had her UTH stuck to the side of her aquarium and had bypassed the thermostat that I had bought for her. The temperature was way high yet the snake could never really lay on top of the heat. The guilt is killing me as I have spent countless hours on this site and with the help of everyone, I really feel like my knowledge base should have prevented all this. I am afraid that this snake probably has never had a normal meal since she has had her. So what do I do from here? Start the normal protocol for a regurge, or do I need to take different steps?

guilty dad
I'd get the temperature sorted and then follow the regurge protocol. With an unregulated UTH on the side of a tank it's still possible for the snake to either overheat, or not be able to get the belly heat it needs to digest properly.

Rocky start to your Corn-keeping career - sorry your lass isn't taking it as seriously as you after you've done all that work.
If you have a vet that is good with herps you can take it there for a check up and I would also think the regurge protocol would be needed. But first of all you need to get that snake set up the right way and I would personally take care of the snake since it seems that your 17 year old isn't a very responsible pet owner.
I have already moved the UTH and have the proper temps set up in the tank now. The good news is that there is a reptile show today and I should hope that I can go purchase some Nutri Bac to start the process....
The fact that your daughter didn't notice the regurges or the smell from them does not bode well for her herp keeping abilities at this time. Had she notified you about the first regurge, your snake would have a much better chance at survival. Guess she needs to hold off on more pets until she is ready to be more committed to them.

Fixing the heat strip, checking temps, and doing the regurge protocol should give him his best chance.

Bill is at the Raleigh show this weekend, and he did bring Nutri Bac with him. So this is a good chance to pick some up without having to pay postage.

Good luck!
Thanks Kathy,
I did go and get from Bill the Nutri Bac today at the show. I do have a question though. Would it be best to put some in his water on a daily basis or should I just wait till next week when I try the next feed?

It is important (in my experience) to get several doses in before giving food again. I MUCH PREFER to use a tube or eyedropper to put it directly into the snake. If it is a baby, I use about 1cc of water, add as much powder as possible, but still keeping it liquid, and put it down his throat. Then I hold him upright for a minute or so to let gravity work. I do that every 2 - 3 days for 3 times before feeding again ( a VERY small meal).

If you choose to put it in the water, I would suggest removing the water for a day or so - you want him thirsty. Then give a small amount of water with the powder in it. Discard water after 24 hours - it is no longer any good. Remove water for a day, and then repeat. And again. That is a very wasteful method to give it, and you really have no idea how much he drank. Of course, since it is not medicine, there is no specific dose. This is just what has worked for me. I prefer to know just how much the snake gets.

Important tip - remove the powder you wish to use and replace jar lid BEFORE using any water. Even a drop or two will ruin much of the contents in the jar. But the powder will last a long time if you keep it cool and VERY dry.

Good luck - hope it helps!
Well, I thought an update was necessary. I fed Iesous a half of pinkie yesterday coated with Nutri Bac and so far no regurge. I am extremely encouraged to say the least. I am so thankful that he really seems to be doing well.
So far, so good...

Did you also give him some NB a couple of times on an empty stomach? That seems to help prepare them for the next meal.
Well, I thought an update was necessary. I fed Iesous a half of pinkie yesterday coated with Nutri Bac and so far no regurge. I am extremely encouraged to say the least. I am so thankful that he really seems to be doing well.

Great news!

Just another update. Everything seems to be going great. I have had zero regurges since the Nutri Bac protocol. Thanks again to Kathy for your advice and the snake is now mine so now I have 2!!
Great news!

I would continue to dust the mice with NB until he has digested several more meals without a problem. Remember to increase meal size very slowly. If you try to get back to normal too quickly, you will get another regurge and have to start all over again. Be sure to always put cuts into any dead mice - they will be easier and faster to digest that way.

Keep up the good work!