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My Baby won't eat


New member
Hello Everyone!
I'm new to this so please bare with me. My 2 1/2 yr. old all of a sudden won't eat. I got him at 6 wks. and has been eating frozen mice all along. He shed about 3 wks.ago and has no intrest in food. This is my first corn snake and I love him to death, I'm worried, please help! He has his privacy, drinking well, very active in cage(40gal.)loves to come out and roam.Rahja escaped a few days ago,but was only out for 20 min.Rahja is 3ft.8in and eats small rats once a week, i tried to feed him yesterday, he struck then dropped the rat? He's never done that before. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Breeding season!!

A 2-1/2 year old male? It's springtime and love is in the air. Or at least lust is. Sexually mature males (and at 3'8", he is) often go off feed for awhile in the spring. My male has been eating sporadically for the last month or two. (I brought him out of brumation in February.) You said he's been very active, which also fits with breeding season. The males are usually quite active, searching for a female, or at least a way out of the cage so they'll have better luck finding a female. :) Don't worry, he sounds normal.

If you've only had him three weeks, and haven't brought him to the vet, then you might want to at least get a fecal exam done just to make sure he doesn't have parasites.
Thank You So Much for such a quick reply! I got a faster suggestion from u guys than I did the Vet!He is really active today trying to find a way out . We all love to hold him and he loves to sit on your lap a watch T.V. Do the males need to mate? Is it good for them? I would love to mate him he is so beautiful! I'm just leary of who i would breed him with any suggestions? I'll have to take a really good picture of him and post it I love to share him with everyone, but noone i know wants to get 2 ft. near him! Thanks a bunch! Talk to you all soon!;)
No, the males don't need to mate, fortunately. They'd be glad of the opportunity, but don't worry yourself trying to find a girlfriend for him. :)
At what age or size do males start displaying breeding signs? I have a 11 month old Hypo (26") that has suddenly stopped eating as well.
what now??

I am new to the whole sanke thing....this is my first snake but I am having the same issue as Michelle is with my 2yr old male snake and was wondering how long does the breeding peroid last and should I even try feeding him during that time???:confused: If anyone could help it would be appericated
Most of my males have started eating again since all of my females have been bred. They started going off their food in February when the females started having their post-brumation sheds and were getting ready to be bred. The males have had at least 2 meals since breeding, but I expect them to start going off food again soon since 3 females that have already laid their clutches have just had another shed and will be in the mood to have a second clutch. Whether these females are bred or not is of no importance in determining if the males eat or not. The pheromones are circulating in the snake room and the males always have high hopes!

As to whether or not you should offer your male food during breeding season...yes, always, when it's scheduled. You never know when a male is going to decide to eat or not. Many of mine will take the occasional meal, some refuse everything, some eat like little pigs during the whole season.