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My beautiful Tetra (Pic heavy)


New member
Haven't posted any pictures of my sweet girl in awhile. Just want you all to know she's still thriving with me. For a snake with such a complicated reputation, I have yet to encounter a problem with her (knock on wood LOL).

So, here she is, my lovely Asian Vine, Tetra.





She always wraps herself like this and I love it!


I LOVE her white line running along her body.

Last one. Not the greatest pic (she's very antsy) but I wanted to show how..what's a good word...spindly(?) her body is lol

Thanks for looking! She's such a neat snake xD
Isn't she? I love it. I love when people come over and have no idea what in the world she is, because she's so different from anything most people I know have seen in snakes. I wanted one of these for a long time and was super excited when my friend offered his to me (for FREE!).
OMFG FOR FREE?! See, I was scared to ask you how much she cost! My boyfriend and I seem to have expensive taste in our snake wishlist.
How is her temperament?
How active is she?
Since she is a tree-dweller, do you have one of those tall skinny tanks?
OMFG FOR FREE?! See, I was scared to ask you how much she cost! My boyfriend and I seem to have expensive taste in our snake wishlist.
How is her temperament?
How active is she?
Since she is a tree-dweller, do you have one of those tall skinny tanks?

EVERYTHING was free. The snake, her cage, her hides, her heat lamp. All free. My friend couldn't get her to eat at all. He had her about 4 months and she never ate a thing with him, so he knew I was into snakes and knew more about them, so he just gave her to me. Lol.

She's a GREAT eater now though. I feed her every week and she has never refused a meal for me.

She is super calm and has never taken a defensive position for me. From what her other owners have told me (she's had about 4 different homes cause no one was able to get her to eat until I got her for reason) she has never struck at or bitten anyone.

As for her activeness, some days she's really active, and sometimes she'll just chill in her vines all day. I guess it depends on her mood lol

And yes, I have her in a tall, screen gecko tank.
*sigh* I really need to get off this forum, my list of future snakes keeps growing and growing!
Oh me too! This forum has got me wanting to breed corns some day. Every day a new morph is added to my wishlist lol
Actually, as far as the snake goes, you can get vine snakes for between $20 to $40 all of the time. They are all wild caught though, they have never managed to breed them in captivity. The only thing expensive about them is their care and setup, definitely not a species for most beginners! They are also a rear fanged mildly venomous snake, like a Hognose, not enough to cause much damage, so they aren't controlled.
Oh, and I meant to say, Tetra is looking really good! Keep up the pictures and updates on her!
Tavia! Don't tell me they are cheap! :noevil:
Gosh, I want so many, I want a Puget Sound Garter, one of these babies, a boa (Nicaraguan or Rainbow), possibly a ball python (childhood dream), several corns (anery tessera, PALMETTA, old school blood, aztec, etc etc) and a bearded dragon!

I'm hoping once I become a vet tech and then head on to vet school, getting to work with other peoples herps will sate my appetite. :crazy02::crazy02: Like that is possible!

How old is Tetra, to have gone through 4 owners?
How is the beauty doing?
Does she enjoy playtime, or is she a more solitary lil girl?
How long is she?
lol, I was thinking about her, so I figured I'd ask more questions!