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my bella died :(


New member
hi everyone,

my baby corn bella died a couple hours ago and i really have no idea why. i was keeping all her housing conditions exactly as the vet told me, had her on a good schedule, cleaned her regularly, fed her on warm pinkies and besides a regurge when i first got her in january, she seemed totally fine until she quit eating a couple weeks ago. she turned dull and still this week and started to look like she would shed, so i was a little less worried there for a minute. i even saw her rubbing against her scratchy log earlier today like she was going to get rid of her old skin. then i took her out for a few minutes while i changed her water, as i always do, and she started acting strange, sort of rolling her on her back. i put her back in her tank for awhile, and when i came back she wasn't moving anymore. i picked her up to check, and she's albino so i've always been able to kind of see her stomach.. it's now green and looks like it exploded or something.

i am so confused and so heartbroken and i have no idea where i went wrong. it might be awhile before i try to get another snake but i would like to learn from this awful experience.
Sorry to hear this :(

While it might not be any consolation at the moment, sometimes animals will die no matter how great we try to take care of them. Some are just fated to do so. Even the most experienced breeders lose animals they desperately want/need to keep alive.

So please keep this in mind, if you did everything according to "the book" and everything within your power to help her survive, then you gave your animal some extra time on this planet surrounded by love she might not have had where you got her from.

Sometimes it's not the amount of time we have on this planet, most of the time it's really about the quality of it surrounded by those that love and care for us :)
I'm very sorry. Like deadmouse said. Sometimes babies just aren't meant to live and you did everything you could to help her. One thing though. The coloring you see in her stomach area may very well be from her gall bladder. I've heard that after death you see a greenish coloring because of the gall bladder. Hope you do get another snake when the time is right and you are able to give it as good a home as you did Bella.

As others have said, sometimes these things unfortunately do just happen. I know how you feel because I had the same thing happen to me in early January of this year. I had his environment spot on, I had a regurg and though we were past that, and like you, I woke up one morning only to find Mr. Slither’s dead.

Please think about getting another snake. I worked with the breeder I bought Mr. Slither’s from and she was excellent on getting me a replacement and Roxanne has been great so far (knock on wood).

I’m sorry for your lose.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you're able to get another snake when you're ready. It does just happen sometimes. I had a baby die without warning last year in the middle of shedding. No clue why, just happened.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I lost a baby I had gotten from a very reputable breeder, and I did everything right. Sometimes these things happen. Some are just not meant to make it, and its no ones fault.

Even though I never asked, the breeder emailed me with an offer to send me an 07 for the cost of shipping. I am DELIGHTED!
The initial regurge in January was probably a sign of trouble...(Not that you could have done anything- but a first indicator of something not right.)

I'm really sorry. Don't give up- you should get another.

So sorry to hear about your baby. I got my baby in February and I would be heartbroken if anything happened to her.

Like the others, some are meant to stay and some are meant to go. It was her time to go. You are probably like me with little experience right now on what ails snakes but we know how to give a lot of love.

She'll be waiting for you when it is your turn to go, it will feel like it was only yesterday when she left and you two can start where you left off.

Do get another one. Don't let this early departure keep you from loving and caring other corns. They are beautiful creatures to get to know.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I feel for you.

My first snake was 4 years ago. It died after only 6 weeks. I just got my second corn two weeks ago. I don't know why it took so long just scared I guess. But when I picked up my second snake, I new I had to have it. I think once you make the decision to get a snake, you won't be completely happy without one.

Take the time you need, but don't wait to long before you hold another snake. There is nothing like the feeling of a snake cruising in your hands, or the feelling you get when your snake has a good shed, or a successively feed.

My thoughts are with you.
I'm soooo sorry for your loss. I totally agree with Donna (well really all the replies that you got on your post) I think there is nothing better than the feel of a snake that you love and care for cruising up and down your arms lol. Just think of all the loving times you had with it. Please do think about gettin' another. God bless you... :)

Take care,

Joanne (lil_rab2005)