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My Chilli is in love ^^


New member
hi, this is my first post here. i hope it works.
i shoot this picture of my 09 hypobloodred girl named chilli
please tell me if you like it.

Ich willst du habe zu .... snake? Sie ist sehr gut (und kleine!)

I'm in my fourth year of german but my teacher is russian and kind of crazy. I'm pretty sure I know how to speak broken german!
I dont understand what you mean with this german sentence: "Ich willst du habe zu .... snake?" please write it in english.
Very cute picture & pretty snake! I don't speak any German, so I'll just say welcome in English... LOL. ;)
I never said, that you all have to wite in german.

I only didnt understand what salvadore wrote in german.

Write to me in english, I will understand nearly all. and if not I can translete it with my pc.
