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My corn Morana


The goat ate my homework
I was told by the seller that she's a charcoal, but she doesn't exactly match up with the pictures I've seen. I know there's a bit of a variance between individual snakes, but I'm curious on if there might be something else in her. I'm wanting to eventually breed her so if she has anything else in her it'd be handy to know.




Towards her head the saddles are much darker and defined but the farther down they go, the less defined they become.



Along her sides are small circles and markings


Belly shot. Up at her head there's no checkering. About three or so inches the checkering starts. Not very heavy but the further down the heavier and more frequent they get.


She actually decided to hold still in this picture. I don't expect her to have anything special in her. I'm just more curious than anything.
Well. She's definitely anery something. Whether a or b I suppose only breeding trials would prove, but considering she has no yellow on her neck or really anywhere, I'd vote b. So charcoal. But they're also renowned for their dark eyes, so what are her eyes like?
She has a very tiny bit of yellow right behind her jaw, but it's fairly faded. That's the only yellow on her. Her eyes are a dark grey. As far as I know she's a few years old.
I have spent a lot of time in the last few months staring at pictures of anery A & charcoal snakes. I ~think~ she is an anery A. But really, I think you are going to have to breed her to find out for sure, unless the seller knows. Either way, she is lovely!
The two are so hard to tell apart. Both morphs can have a bit of yellow, but most the anery As that I've seen have a large amount of yellow on them.
A picture of her eyes would be very helpful. Not being able to see those, I have to say that what I think she is is a gorgeous snake!
I don't think I'll be able to get a shot of her eyes. Holding her and the camera isn't easy. It'll be a few days. Tomorrow is feeding and then I'm busy all week until Thursday (finals. Ick). Earliest I could get them would probably be Friday.
Not sure what you mean. If you can toss me a picture of what you mean I can tell you.
The irises are the colored part of the eye. The pupil is that dark thing in the middle that, on humans at least, changes size in different light....

My iris is blue--I come from blue-eyed parents. Yours might be green or brown or hazel, even.

So on the snake, the person would like to know what color the iris is, meaning, what color is the part that surrounds the pupil? Is it dark, so that it looks like one big, dark pupil with little or no differentiation between iris and pupil, or is it another color, such as grey or blue or something else?
..I know what the iris and pupil are...

I was asking what she meant by "darker and constrasty". Hence why I asked for a picture for a reference..Either way, I already answer that question to someone else.

Her irises are a dark grey.