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My Corns - Normal and bloodred hatchling pics


New member
I tested these in the test area and they worked so if something is wrong post and let me know.
Sorry for the quality, I will be working on that over time.

First up is the normal corn I got from a guy here in Florida who caught it in the wild. I just got it and have not yet named it.
It is in the blue phase and has not yet shed. It will be my first shed with either of the snakes I own. I will wait to feed it the first time after it sheds.
It has a great tempermant and is very docile.

The color pattern almost matches completely coiled like this.



Next up is my hatchling bloodred - Balrog. It does not have a grey head though like other bloodreds but was sold as a bloodred so I wonder if it is.
I didn't have great pic quality up close to show you all the head pattern. I will get that up sometime later.
This hatchling is straight from the depths of hell itself! This snake gets major pissed off at me doing anything by it. (except this time, go figure)
It rattles it's tail and bites at me any time I open the cage and feeding it pinkies (putting it in another container) is looking the devil right in the eyes.
This snake hates me right now.
I think that'll change over time from reading other people's experiences.


Taking off to hide under the bedding.
They should be there now.
Sorry. Not sure why they didn't work.


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That sure _sounds_ like a bloodred! Does he have a plain white belly? If there are no checkers, he's a bloodred. The grey head disappears as they get older.

You should probably get your WC checked for parasites. You just take a poo to the vet. I'd bet money he has worms. Easy to get rid of. Otherwise he won't gain weight well, and may even regurge.
I looked at the suspect bloodreds belly and it has black checkers. Lots.

At the pet store they had Normals for $20 but said they were out.
Bloodreds were $50 and the container (I still have it) said bloodred.
Seems like I got robbed $30. Is there a possibility that this snake with the checkers will be bloodred or do you guys think something was at the least mislabeled?