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My Eggs


These are Gingersnaps 12 Eggs. They look good other than having some sheer spots.

Stripe het caramel, amel X Hypo het caramel, stripe

These are my adopted eggs. I got them from a lady on craigslist that had a female in with three males. :( The female is supposed to be an Okeetee
(looks like a classic to me) and the males that bred her for sure were an Anery and a Creamsicle. So it will be interesting to see if and when they hatch what comes out. There are 25 eggs.


Now I'm waiting on my Butter Eggs. :)
You have lovely eggs :D lol keep us posted on the rescued clutch, they should be interesting hatchlings indeed.
Should be fun!

1 / 16 Stripe het Hypo
1 / 16 Stripe het Amel, Hypo
1 / 8 Stripe het Caramel, Hypo
1 / 16 Caramel het Hypo, Stripe
1 / 8 Stripe het Amel, Caramel, Hypo
1 / 16 Caramel het Amel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 16 Normal het Hypo, Stripe
1 / 16 Normal het Amel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 8 Normal het Caramel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 8 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 16 Caramel, Stripe het Hypo
1 / 16 Caramel, Stripe het Amel, Hypo
Should be fun!

1 / 16 Stripe het Hypo
1 / 16 Stripe het Amel, Hypo
1 / 8 Stripe het Caramel, Hypo
1 / 16 Caramel het Hypo, Stripe
1 / 8 Stripe het Amel, Caramel, Hypo
1 / 16 Caramel het Amel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 16 Normal het Hypo, Stripe
1 / 16 Normal het Amel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 8 Normal het Caramel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 8 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo, Stripe
1 / 16 Caramel, Stripe het Hypo
1 / 16 Caramel, Stripe het Amel, Hypo

I am very excited about this clutch. I have my fingers crossed everything goes well.