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My first clutch


Can't Keep A Secret
Okay, I suppose technically it's the second clutch I've ever had in my care, the first being a breeding loan project from LBR. However, this is MY first clutch, from a breeding with MY snakes!

The pairing is Hypo Cinder (Juju) x Tessera (Una). I counted 17 eggs, not a single slug!
This is Una's first clutch, too. I'd say she did a good job. :)





After a fairly disappointing season last year, to say I am excited for these eggs would be an understatement. :D
Congrats! I have my first clutch of own snakes these year as well. I only have 11 tho. Which is fine by me lol. Bobby (my female snake) is a first time mom too. I think my male has mated before but not sure. He came to use from someone else and was about 4 or 5 when he came to live with us. I hope it works out for you. Good Luck!
Thank you! I'm practically holding my breath until this clutch hatches. My first project is FINALLY underway, and I seriously don't want to jinx it. :eek: