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My first corn snake


New member
well after about three weeks of intense reading and research i finally went out and bought my first ever pet and yes it was a corn snake. i must admit that i am quite nervous because there seems so much that can go wrong. at the moment it (MR. T) is curled up under a piece of bark and has been for the last day and a half. hopefully it will settle in in the next couple of days and will be ready for its first feed. how long do they usally stay hidden?
Congrats on getting a corn..
and nice to see you read up them before buying.. sounds just like me about 10 months ago..
Well, if you`ve read up them you`ll have your Viv set up ok and that seems to be the key to success.. just providing them what they need. Corns aren`t the fussiest of snake in terms of temperature and humidity so they are quite easy to keep.
Now, Mr T is probably curled up under his log s******ing at you cos he`ll be out and about every night exploring his home, going back to bed under the log whenever its light or theres someone in the room... My very own Chione does exactly that. (can hear her laughter from the lounge if i listen carefully)
Once again congrats on getting a corn... thats a decision i doubt you`ll ever regret :)
Thanks for the reply

do they grow out of this or is the just the way that they are? can i expect that he will hid all of the time or will in time to come he become more active around the viv? also for feeding if i take him out of the viv will he be alright on carpet or should i lay him on another type of surface?
Hey Progressive and WELL COME TO THE FORUM.

When I got my first corn all he ever did was hide. He normal still does but at night he comes out sometimes. Just give him a few days before handling and let him settle in.

I feed my snakes in a separet container (like a little plastic box of something) but make sure it hs a lid and it has some small holes in for the little snake to breath, lol. I do this so when I put my had in its vivarium it doesn't think its getting food.

By the way what type of corn snake do you have and how big???


They usually hide...

pert' near all the time. They will explore the cage when hungry, males will around breeding time (spring), and hatchlings seem to move about quite a bit at any hour of the day.
But adults spend the majority of their lives under SOMETHING! You find 90% of them that way in the wild, the other 10 at night on the road. Let's face it, if you are small and red, you won't live long exposing yourself during daylight hours. Corns are said to be crepuscular; active mostly during dawn and dusk. I have seen them out in broad daylight in the heat of the summer, but that is very unusual. Most I have found I was looking for by turning things over or road-crusing after dark.
Likewise, most of my adults are either in their hides or under newspaper when I check in on them, regardless of the hour. And if they are out and about, they quickly retreat when they hear or see me in the room. Don't let that put a damper on their value as pets, though. Very few snakes are bold enough to sit out in the open either in the wild or captivity.
Type and Size

Right this is where i am lacking at the moment, to be honest i am not sure of the correct name for it the shop keeper did tell me but i forgot. it is not a morph as such from what i remember he told me that it was not the product of cross breeding it has brown sadles with red spots inbetween. it is about 11" long and is 1 month and 1 week old
It sounds like you have a normal, or a classic colored corn. It is the usual color found in the wild. Congrats on your first of many cornsnakes! :)
Enjoy mate!

It's wonderfull owning snakes and even though they hide most of the time that doesn't keep you from being able to wake them up anytime of da day and playin with them!

Give it a bunch of love and enjoy!
heh yer, mine hides pretty much all the time that i`m home :p
sometimes catch it out if i get up in the night and go for a wander downstairs but mostly you wont see it creeping about.
Feeding wise there`s a few things you can do, most of us do the tub thing as described already but basically do whatever you find works for you :0 - one point here though is to make sure that there is no chance of anything getting stuck to the mouse during feeding.. having a cornsnake ingest foreign matter isnt very good at all ... both from the point of view of potential parasite infection and also (over time) impaction of the stomach caused by indigestiable items being swallowed.