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My first corn!

Hello all!
I just got back from Repticon Orlando with my first corn snake!
He was hatched on July 24, 2012.
He is a Blizzard.
And his name is Strider. :)



I was originally going to look for a yearling, but they didn't have very many corns that weren't hatchlings. Also, I fell in love with this cutie at first site.

I also have a question concerning feeding. The people I bought him from said that they've been feeding on Mondays. I know that most of you on this website say to wait a whole week before doing anything with him so he can settle. Does that include feeding? I feel like that would be a long time with out food.
I would definitely hold off on feeding him right away. They can go a long time without eating. And that way you can also choose what day suits you best for feeding - you don't have to keep feeding him on Mondays just because they were. :)

He's super cute! I love fully white snakes like blizzards.
Like Hypno said, wait at least a week to feed. Then pick the day after the week is up you want to feed him on.
Diddo on what everyone else said. Let him get settled in first.

Love the color. Going to be difficult to see when he's going to shed....gonna have to keep a close eye on the eyes instead of eyes AND skin color to tell I'd think.
Cute baby!! Blizzards are so pretty. I, too, would hold off feeding (AND handling!!!!!!!) till Friday at a minimum.
I'm going to break with what's been said here - even though it will definitely not harm your snake to wait a week first, I've never had any issues feeding new snakes that I bought. I offer them the food - if they take it, fine, if they don't, too bad and I'll try again after they've settled in. So far they have all taken the food without any issues, though. I guess it's up to you do to what you feel most comfortable with :)
Yes, I too would stick with the majority of the replies..

I got my baby at only 3 months of age, and he was ALSO being fed every Monday, I waited 5 days for him to settle in and then tried my first feeding and it went perfect; I have also moved his feeding's up to every 5 days as per the Munson plan, but I have been feeding at the low end of the plan..

It's been working well for me, no regurges, and no problems when I got him he weighed in at only 14 grams and now he's bumped up to 20 grams, He's growing like a little weed!

This is all from my own personal experience and I am by no means an expert, But I DO agree with the majority here as all of their experience has helped me out tremendously!

Best of luck with you'r new arrival! :)
Congrats on your new addition...be careful they are addicting :) Nice pickup and thanks for sharing. Letting your new corn settle in for a few days before handling and feeding is very important - that way they can get used to you and their new environment - your feeding schedule can vary - some people go 7-10 days for a hatchling, some more frequently. You have to develop your own rhythm and what works best for you.
Thanks for all the advice, everyone!
I think Mondays or Fridays would be best for me to feed him, so after this week is up, I'll decide what day to choose.
So, it'll probably still be Mondays. He'll just skip a week.
He's being very cute right now. He's curled up in between one of his hides and the tank. He's also under some leaves. A nice little shady spot on the warm side of the tank.