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My first dose of the addiction

The Newguy

New member
This is my first of many corns hopefully
She doesnt have a name ive narrowed it down to Synder and Skoll any other suggestions would be appreciated (i stink at coming up with names)
She is about 2 foot long


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Hey Kelsie you are the name goodess! Can you think of anything for him?

And welcome to the addiction!
You are lucky to get into the hobby so young, I had to wait over twenty years to get my first snake from the moment I fell in love with all things serpent. Their are many name sites online, I used babynamesbox to find names for my human babies. Look under serpent or dragon names for snake ideas. I named my anery Nimue after the Lady of the Lake, but she hates getting wet. Have fun!
I agree, you are lucky to be starting out young. Mike and I are in our 40's and wish we could have started earlier. We didn't meet until we were 30 though so we started everything together late...except Jacob...got pregnant 1 1/2 months after getting married....proved the doctors wrong..said I couldn't have anymore kids (have an older son from previous marriage). So good for you!! Have fun with it!
Hey Kelsie you are the name goodess! Can you think of anything for him?

I think you mean Goddess* right Gini lol It's easy to come up with names for you cause I know you (somewhat) and naming snakes to go with your breeder name narrows it down a bit also.

I always suggest to name snakes Names that you think are cool but names you wouldn't want to give your child. Characters from cartoons, movies, books that you like. Also I have quite a few that are named after what their colors remind me of or foods their colors remind me of. I have a list of names I want to name future snakes I get lol but here are my corns so far and what they are named for

Zuko- Fire Nation Prince in The Last Airbender Cartoons
Chedda- like cheese
Raya- (sunglow) like rays of the sun
Terra- her color is like the Terracotta clay pots
Zula- Fire Nation Princess in The Last Airbender Cartoons
Zea- Zea Maize is the botanical name for Corn (that you eat)
Snowflake- (snow corn)
Reimei- Japanese for Twilight
Tabasco- (bloodred)
Neo- Neapolitan ice cream
Cozmo- my breeder name is Cozmic Cornz

And Gini's Breeder name is NEVAEH Reptiles (HEAVEN spelled backwards) so I suggested Eden and Eve for female names :D
oops yea, I mean goddess..half asleep..but you are a good..ess too! Lol If there is such a word!
We used Eden and if we get a female blizzard or snow we are using Eve...something white. We started ours with Willie..one eyed Willie and Kapatcho Jake just spit out when he saw him. Then we did the Venus and Adonis thing. Then Jake got into the Lightning Theif books so he wanted gods and goddess names. But when we became an officially licensed business as NevaeH Reptiles, Kelsie came up with the idea of Heaven type names...good idea!!
You might also want to check out the etomology sight I love called "Behind the Name". (Its got a purple screen.) They have a name generator feature that can be quite fun. I always check it out when I'm stuck over naming a new character in one of my stories.

You might also want to check out the etomology sight I love called "Behind the Name". (Its got a purple screen.) They have a name generator feature that can be quite fun. I always check it out when I'm stuck over naming a new character in one of my stories.

You might also want to check out the etomology sight I love called "Behind the Name". (Its got a purple screen.) They have a name generator feature that can be quite fun. I always check it out when I'm stuck over naming a new character in one of my stories.

wow i didnt expect to have so many comments in that short amount of time

Quote "You are lucky to get into the hobby so young, I had to wait over twenty years to get my first snake from the moment I fell in love with all things serpent."

It was a pain to get my parents to agree to let me have one. I did a ton of research and thier answer was still "I dont want one in the house" but i finally managed to convince them.
I wish i could come up with cool names as easy as some of you. K. Rene ive seen you all over this forum posting cool name suggestions and helpful info. Its nice to have places like this where everyone can come together and talk about somthing that we all like without being hateful twoards one another
Beautiful snake and welcome to the addiction. You are lucky you got your parents to let you get one. I had to wait till I moved out to get one and now I have 4, with two more possibly on the way :)
Welcome! Like everyone else has said, you're lucky to get started so young--parents are easy to convince compared to a husband!
Husbands are easy to convince compared to parents in my world! I'm old, and I'm still scared of my Mom! LOL! Z, on the other hand, NEVER says "No" if I want something *knocks wood* :).

Congratulations on your little guy!

BTW, I've been wondering what the "K" in "K.Rene" stood for. Now I know! Nice!

As for snakie names, the moment that I saw your red snake on your blue bed, the thing that came to my mind immediately was "River Red". Yeah, I know. Kinda silly....