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my first egg!!!


Beginner breeder!
I just checked her box again this morning, and FINALLY I found an egg! I hated the fact that I disturbed her in the middle of laying. Will this have any effect on how long till she lays the rest. I will attch a pic of the egg if it works. From what I have read about them, it looks like a good egg. What do you all think? As far as the parents, The Mom, is a Normal, but could be Het for anything (She was given to me...I was told by the girl she though she was het for caramel??) and the Dad could be either my male normal or male anery who were also given to me. (She mated with both, so I guess it could reasonably be both too) I also have no idea if these are het for anything either. Well here is the pic.....I hope. -Don


  • mvc-638s.jpg
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looks fine to me

good egg, but also very lonely :)
just give her some time to lay the rest, i do not think it would be a problem you interupting her for a few seconds but let her do the job. my snake is laying now as i typ. this morning when i took a look she was pushing her fifth out, now there are eleven it's 6,5 hours later and 4 more (eggs)to go. i know this because i felt her belly yesterday (very gentle)

keep us posted!:)
Still no more!

I am not sure is she is egg bound or something. I need some advice here. I checked her again this morning, (24 hours later) and no more eggs! I can tell she still has a bunch in her, and there seems to be one about 2 inches from her cloaca, and it feels sort of hard right there. How can I tell when a snake is egg bound? How long should I leave her alone, before checking on her? I have to work tonight, so she will have all evening, and all night to try to lay more eggs. Am I preventing her from laying by checking on her? This is her first clutch, and mine too. She is a very large snake( 5 feet and thick), so I did not think egg-bound would have been a problem. Maybe I just need to stop checking every few hours. Any opinions? I am really glad the first egg was fertile, but now I am just worried about her. Any advice from you folks is greatly appreciated! -Don
hi ca

IMHO if the temp is 80+in the viv,i would say leave her alone for 48 hours the eggs will be ok if she lays, i know this is VERY VERY hard to do with first time parents, i know, last year was my first time and i couldnt stop myself either but believe me it will happen eventually, i have 1 female about to lay very soon (i hope) and a second that had a second successfull mating tonight(about an hour ago).

GOOD LUCK..................STEVE
I think She is OK!!

Well, I have some good news. I looked in on her one more time just before leaving for work, and there was another egg in there with her. This means she is not bound, just was probably annoyed at me for peeping in on her at such a hard time! She will have all night now to lay her eggs in peace, and I will take them out in the morning. The nesting box is plenty warm enough for the eggs to be okay. Thanks for the advice there. I am a first time parent so I am a little trigger happy. I am hoping for 15 eggs. The 2 so far look good. I will post a new picture when they are all out of her! Thanks again. -Don
Okay...I am up to 4 eggs

Wow...My female sure does take her time laying! I am finally up to four eggs including one mini egg like Kat had. It also looks good, and I am hoping it will stay that way. My snake is in her third day of laying eggs, and I am not sure how much longer it should go. Hopefully she will finish tonight. How long have your snakes taken in the past? Anyone else have a really slow girl. It is her first clutch, so maybe she is totally stressed. I try not to check on her too often. What do you all think? -Don
Grand (?) Total

So here is what I ended up with. Not too bad for a first timer I guess. She had these six good eggs (including the mini egg on the bottom right) and 2 slugs. She was pretty fat and on a diet before she was gravid, so she actually held onto her weight pretty good. Time to let her relax for the rest of the year! She did a good job for me. I am excited to be a first time Dad for some baby snakes, and will watch these eggs like crazy. By the way.....I am using a Styrofoam Hovabator. Does anyone know much about these or use them? The temp is sitting at 85 or 86 right now, and I am thinking I should put it a little lower for the eggs like maybe 82?? Thanks everyone for the help in getting her throught that laying. It took her 4 days!!! -Don


  • mvc-639s.jpg
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Yeah, if you can get it to hold at 82 it would be good. High temps have been linked to kinks...better to be a little cooler than to come out with deformed snakes...also, I guess if you put it at 82, you have a larger window of time to fix something if it starts to overheat?
I have the exact same thermastat. Reptile ESU.

It works like a charm on anything.
Great product.

I made a big mistake!!!

I thought she was done laying, so I took away her laying box, and left her to have her old hide back. When I came home tonight, I was so surprised to find another good egg in her substrate, and another slug (broken) too. I hope the good egg will stay good. It was cold when I found it, but It could not have been there too long. It did not look too dryed out or dented at all. I put it in with the others, and inspected the girl again. She had at least 3 more eggs in her! I put her back in her box, and an hour later she layed another good egg, and another slug. ( a large slug too) She feels like there is still one more ready to come out too! I will never make the mistake of thinking she is done again. It is going on her 6th day of laying eggs!! Has anyone else ever had a snake that has taken so long to lay them all? Maybe it is because it was her first time. Anyway, It looks like I will have ended up with 9 good eggs, and 4 slugs. (unless that last one is a slug too) My Hovabator does not want to go below 85 degrees either. I would much rather have it at 80 or 82. I am turning the knob down slow though because I do not want it to get totally messed up. Well, Hope to hear any other similar stories. -Don
a new GRAND!!! total!

WOOHOO!!! I checked her this morning and could not believe what I found! She had 7 more good eggs in her box, and one slug. One of the eggs I think is good has a small spot on it that looks a little weaker than the rest. I am not sure if that one will make it. She also has another egg about to come out. That would mean I have 16 good eggs and 5 slugs altogether. I am so proud of my girl! I think it is a pretty good number for a firt timer, even though she is pretty old. She was just never bred until now. I cannot wait to see what hatches out. By the way.....since some eggs came out 6 days after the first, will they still all hatch out about the same time? Thanks for any replies! -Don
One of the eggs went bad

Well, I guess one of them was not meant to hatch...It was not the one I thought would go, but It started to turn green, and the whole clutch stunk because of it. I removed the egg, and flushed it down the toilet. The rest of the eggs are still fine, and I am keeping them in Moist Sphagmum moss with a paper towel over the top of them. I spray water every 3 days or so to keep them plump, and I only spray the water on the paper towels not the eggs directly. I think one more of them is on its way out too. A little bit of green and red seems to be creeping in. I separated any eggs that seemed even slightly small or different. I am thinking that 14 will hatch out. I will be selling up to 8 of them when they are eating. Who know what will come out. They are "Mystery" Cornsnakes. -Don