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My first time and it was everything I expected and more

It happens... I've only had one 'officially' go on me, and I think it was his way of getting revenge. From what, I'm don't remember, but he let it be know what he thinks of me that night...

Next mile marker - getting bit or musked if you haven't been already!

BTW, welcome to the club! lol

Ooh yes, the lovely feel of something gooey in fingers that weren't gooey a minute before..


Been there, done that and probably have the stain from it somewhere. Gave the snake (and my hands) a bath and went right on handling her. Been bit so have that feather as well... getting musked, hmm.. I thought that was when they pooed on you?

zakee846 said:
what is musking? sorry i am a newbie ^_^
Musking is a liquid that a snake shoots/sprays out it's vent that smells ten times worse then snake poo. It is usually clear or clear yellow and might at times have a oil like consistancy to it, depending on the snake that is musking. Corns are usually more water like from what I can recall of my last adventure with musk.

It can be likened to the stink a skunk will spray when scared or aggitated.

The chunky whites are urates or snake pee and the solid blacks/browns are the actual poo. Typically corns, and many kings and milks, will release urates when they musk, in addition to the musk before pooing on you - all in an attempt to convince you to leave them alone.

Musk might stain, especially a white or very light colored cloth, but I've not noticed any as I wear darker clothes and try to clean musked and pooed on garments right away to remove the stink and prevent my cat from adding to the flavorful aroma.

Oh, and if you are really interested in knowing, it tastes ten times worse then it smells. :puke01:

as messed up as this sounds, I want him to bite me. I just want to get it over with so I know what it feels like (how bad it hurts) so it won't freak me out when he whips his head around all of a sudden. on the flip side, I don't think he will bite me (unless I mess with him during shedding or something like that) just doesn't seem to be afraid of me, or agressive towards me. then again, I am a NOOB who doesn't know @#%$ :noevil:
Biting doesn't hurt at all.. I imagine it might pinch a little if they were a big snake but the little guys? Nah.. mine bit me 4 times before I could stop laughing long enough to get her distracted and to stop :p
Mrs InsaneOne said:
Oh, and if you are really interested in knowing, it tastes ten times worse then it smells. :puke01:

Ummmm WHY do you know that??? I dread to think how you discovered that fact....
Mrs InsaneOne said:
Oh, and if you are really interested in knowing, it tastes ten times worse then it smells. :puke01:
:roflmao: So, Jenn, you've been there too! And I'll answer the "how" for you...

You have a very agitated and squirmy snake, usually a hatchling, in your hand, you've just been interrupted by your significant other who just asked a really stupid question, and, as you open your mouth to give some sarcastic reply, the snake musks at precisely the right flick of the tail to send that nasty stuff in a perfect trajectory towards the back of your throat.
Susan said:
You have a very agitated and squirmy snake, usually a hatchling, in your hand, you've just been interrupted by your significant other who just asked a really stupid question, and, as you open your mouth to give some sarcastic reply, the snake musks at precisely the right flick of the tail to send that nasty stuff in a perfect trajectory towards the back of your throat.

Personally, I'd blame to significant other.
Susan said:
:roflmao: So, Jenn, you've been there too! And I'll answer the "how" for you...

You have a very agitated and squirmy snake, usually a hatchling, in your hand, you've just been interrupted by your significant other who just asked a really stupid question, and, as you open your mouth to give some sarcastic reply, the snake musks at precisely the right flick of the tail to send that nasty stuff in a perfect trajectory towards the back of your throat.

Yeah, I think I would definitely throw up if that happened. :puke01: :puke01: :puke02:
Just be thankful that your snake crapped on your hands which are relatively easy to wash. For me, it's been in my hair, on my jeans, in my sweater sleeve and all over my bed sheets. :puke01:

Susan said:
:roflmao: So, Jenn, you've been there too! And I'll answer the "how" for you...

You have a very agitated and squirmy snake, usually a hatchling, in your hand, you've just been interrupted by your significant other who just asked a really stupid question, and, as you open your mouth to give some sarcastic reply, the snake musks at precisely the right flick of the tail to send that nasty stuff in a perfect trajectory towards the back of your throat.
You were very, very close Susan! I was actually handling another breeder's adult male, whole was squirmy and upset at being held, and talking to both the hubby and the other breeder about who we'd photograph next when he whipped me in the mouth with his tail. Soap never tasted so good as when I washed my mouth out after that! And, no, I didn't put the snake down right away either. He calmed down after that and I got to hold him without much fuss for about 20-30 minutes after that! lol..

It's also not something I plan to do again, if I can at all help it! lol

I don't even want to think of those musking stories. A few smilies will describe perfectly how I feel. :puke01: :puke01: :puke01:

VooDooVinnie said:
Nah.. mine bit me 4 times before I could stop laughing long enough to get her distracted and to stop :p

I can see that happening!! Love the idea. You should tell THAT to all the people out there that are terrified of snakes. Great story!! lol
Funny enough, I've never had any of my corns defecate or musk me.

But my Lavender King on the other hand, you never know when she's going to musk you. Obviously when she's pissy she usually doesn't hesitate to musk, but sometimes even when she seems totally calm and at ease she'll get me just to let me know who's boss ;)

As far as the musk smell goes, I've been musked so many times by my insane King that I don't even mind it anymore, I almost enjoy it for some bizarre reason. It's quite a unique smell for sure. I'm glad however that I've never had the opportunity to taste it though :eatpointe
SavageI said:
as messed up as this sounds, I want him to bite me. I just want to get it over with so I know what it feels like (how bad it hurts) so it won't freak me out when he whips his head around all of a sudden. on the flip side, I don't think he will bite me (unless I mess with him during shedding or something like that) just doesn't seem to be afraid of me, or agressive towards me. then again, I am a NOOB who doesn't know @#%$ :noevil:

One thing I'd like to point out is to remain calm if you do get bit. Sometimes the little buggers latch on and it's easy to instinctively snap back and possibly hurt the snake. But baby corns are relatively harmless, I think it's more of a shock when you least expect it.

However, a full grown adult can draw blood as I've been bitten by my adult corn several times (not because he's mean, he just gets excited when it's feeding time) and bled from it. It's not that bad, it's like having a bunch of little pin pricks that bleed.

Fortunately I've never had a snake latch onto me when they have bitten me. It's just been strike and go. It's almost as if they know they got me and not the mouse and quickly look for the real food source afterwards :)

Ironically, I've only been bitten by my seemingly docile Corns but never by my aggressive King. Sure, the King has wanted to nail me on more than one occasion, but I've always been far more cautious with her than I am with the Corns. I guess I'm more lax with the Corns because I feel that the Corns only get me because they mistake me for a food source, the King on the other hand just wants to bite the hand that feeds :devil01: