To have a full time job generally means to work 40 hours a week, minumum.
It does not mean work 24 hours a day.
Part time means less then 40 hours a week.
So even by your definition of half a day (12 hours) it still wouldn't mean keeping the light on over night.
The only person that mentioned using any form of light at night, was you.
Everyday use means normal every day use. Normal every day use is not on for 24 hours it is how you would normally use a particular item on any normal day. The normal use for lighting with corn snakes is light during the day and dark during the night.
I just think you jumped too quickly without really thinking about what he meant.
trying to play word games with me isn't going to change that, sorry.
Mangrove, you are alright in my book. ( I know that doesn't mean much to most people but I think you did the right thing)