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My kids on SMR!! (well, not mine anymore)


ACR Breeder # 787
One of my most favorite snakes went to live with Don and ended up on the Snake of the Day!

The Sunkissed Anery is probably one of my top most favorite cornsnake morph combinations.

Photo by Don Soderberg at South Mountain Reptile. Snake of the day 10/19/2013


Wow, beautiful adult! I can see why it's a top favorite of yours. That's a pretty significant change from hatchling to adult. Do they typically develop so much yellow or is that just a particularly stunning example?
Thanks guys!
From what I've seen, almost all Sunkissed aneries develop this yellow with maturity.
Although, it also seems that males are more yellow than females; which does make me think that it may be slightly sexually dimorphic.
But yeah, the yellow is a very significant change, from white/grey to such a nice cream and yellow.