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My new addiction part 2 - Boas


New member
I posted about cutting down my collection. I am planning on only keeping corns, boas and Indigos.(and my wife's Ball pythons and my pet GBK) I did a trade 13 colubrids for 4. Here are a couple of the newest 4. This makes 3 pairs of boas. They are Hypo Triple het, 4 double het for snow and a het albino. Should make for some interesting possibilities when they are of breeding age. A couple of pics




But But But!!! Why do this to me? Eh? Do you want me to become a self lothing drunken albino boaless bum!!!

I cant even consider producing albinos for another 4 years at least :'(
(anery het pastel/albino on its way)
Excellent animals!
Those triple hets just kill me! But with the pricetag I think Ill just wait and make my own. But if all goes well It should only be a short time till that is an option.
Hopefully and I mean hopefully Ill be starting with DH Sunglows with a HEAVY Central American influence this year. If Im lucky I may get some stripers too! And with one more project in the works it just might be possible to produce some DH Snows as well this year. I think a DH Sunglow to a DH Snow would be an awesome pairing in a couple years. Ive just gotta stop buying new ones that I can produce myself. It kind of defeats the purpose. :shrugs:
Heh. Yea, I know the feeling. I am pretty set on keeping my 6 so I can see what they produce. I have a chance of sunglows with my hypo, we'll see..I won't know for prolly 3 years :( . I really love the motleys and some of the other wild patterns..jungles, stripes... :grin01: We have a sickness.... heh
well.. amazing snakes.. i already have 2 boas.... and well.. id give my left leg for an albino or a sunglow.. there just so sharp looking.. perfectly amazing snakes!