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My new "cornsnake"


What blonde chick?!
So, someone we know bought a cornsnake off craigslist. I had seen the add and the picture was of a 09 hatchling cornsnake that the owners wanted to get rid of because it was a "striker" and they named it Striker. I passed it over because I didn't want to pay $25 for a normal that I didn't know it's history. Anyway, this person we know decided she wanted it and bought it a few days ago. Last night, Matt got a call saying "Come get this baby because he really is a biter! You can have him for free!" So Matt went and picked him up. Guess what? It's not a corn! As soon as I saw the sandwich container I could tell and Hallie immediately said,"That's an Eastern Milksnake! Can I have him!" LOL! So I looked up all the laws on native species in Ohio and from what I read, we can have him but no more than 4 and if you want more than 4 our you intend on breeding, selling, trading, or even giving it away, you have to get a licsense to do so. Not a biggee right now! So anyway, here's our new corn baby! LOL! Definetly a male, definetly a biter! I'm thinking of calling him Diablo! He's very very tiny! Much smaller than the corn hatchlings so I'm thinking pinky heads for now?

By the way, his pattern really isn't that brown. It's actually a pretty red color and so are his eyes. My camera just washed him out color wise.
Nice little guy/girl!! I don't belive you can have them with out a license. Here is were i got my info,

Possess without a license not more than four individuals or 25 eggs, tadpoles, or larvae of each native reptile or amphibian, live or dead which have been taken from the wild, legally obtained from out of state or captively produced, as an Ohio resident, 17 years of age or younger.

Why 17 years of age or younger? :confused: I don't know.
Looks sort of like a hybrid to me?. Maybe a cornsnake/milksnake, but still very beautiful. I tried to photograph some milksnakes myself, so I totally know about the red not showing through. One of those snakes that's much more striking in person. Very cool!.
Nice little guy/girl!! I don't belive you can have them with out a license. Here is were i got my info,

Why 17 years of age or younger? :confused: I don't know.

I'll have to check more into that. I thought I had read it right but it was late so I could be wrong. We have no problem getting a licsense either way. I'm also assuming that's why this lady posted a pic of a corn and advertised him as a corn. She probably doesn't have a licsense and I know you have to have one to breed them or sell them. He's a really pretty boy! Just VERY aggressive! I'm hoping he's a good feeder! That's why he was given to us. I guess the lady that bought him dangled a pinky and instead of biting the pinky, he bit her instead. I figured that's normal hunger aggression.
A couple more pics of Diablo! He is a true hateling! LOL! He bites,he strikes, and eats beautifully! See the food lump? That's a day old pinky! So he really is that tiny. I'm kind of nervous and hoping it wasn't too big for him. Maybe I should've cut it in half? We'll see I guess. You can see his reds in these pics and I even got a pic of how red his eyes are! Gorgeous! When Matt gets back we're going to call in and double check the lisence stuff so we're on the up and up on anything legal-wise.


Thank you! Although I do feel like I got an "illegal" snake and it makes me feel nervous! LOL!
So,is it sad or freaky that my 8 year old daughter enjoys getting bit by snakes?! LOL! She seriously does and will take any opportunity to get bit! Diablo latched on to her at least 10 times in a matter of 5 minutes and each time she laughed! And she even got struck at and bit by one of the adult corns while helping me clean out the tub and she thought it was awesome and was actually disappointed there was no blood! So I know these pics are fuzzy as all get out,but, she insisted that I take pics and post them!



Hey Wayne! Perhaps my daughter can get your little boogers to eat!
LOL. At least she's not afraid of them when they get pissy. My kids love my snakes... but when one gets pissy, they clear the room. :)
She's the only one who likes the ticked off snakes. The only one she cannot be around is the boa. He REALLY hates her for some reason and has tried to strike her through the glass several times. Only her,though. All she has to do is walk by his tank and he strikes at her. So when he's out and being handled,she can't be in the room for safety reasons.
Well, with a bigger snake, I can definitely see why! Is SHE afraid of the boa too? Just curious. If she isn't she may have a real "defiant" streak in her. LOL.
I guess she's going to love the LTR, then!

That's what I'm thinking! He may just turn out to be "her" snake! Of course,I haven't seen him yet so who knows!

No she is not afraid of ANY of our snakes and is VERY disappointed that she can't handle the boa or have him out with her. She's always the one to help clean tubs and tanks and even if that snake is rattling away she'll reach right in and pick it up(that's how she got bit today by one of the adults). She'll have a corn attached to her hand or arm and just sit there while I'm cleaning out their tub. Think it's because she's NOT afraid of them,that they react this way with her? It really does baffle me because she is the most gentle with the snakes and shows no fear.
Do you think you could get the boa used to her? Maybe he doesn't recognize her as a human because she is smaller than what he is used to!
My youngest daughter is the same way... If I'm cleaning out tubs she's there and will hold them while I change tubs and add paper towel. Kewl. Great kids think alike.

I'm fairly certain that her lack of fear isn't what sets him off... probably just some scent about her that does it... and it is most likely something that she simply can't control. I would think that a lack of fear on her part would cause the snake to settle down. But that's just MHO. LOL.
Well, he doesn't strike out at the boys and they're really not any larger than she is. We don't have any of the kids really too acclimated to the boa simply because of his size. It could also be,that he just really doesn't like females too much(Hallie being the exception to the rule). He'll let me get him out and handle him but you can tell he's uncomfortable with me and will usually head straight to Matt to be held. He was raised from a baby by a bachelor and was never around females until now. Could be a scent maybe? When I handle him,he immediately wraps around my neck if Matt isn't within sight,and boy can he squeeze! So I don't even get him out unless Matt is right there.