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My new hypo blood red


Divalicious Member
I woke up this morning to the UPS man delivering a package from Rich Z! I am the proud mommy of a new little hypo bloodred. Pictures are lousy, sorry, he's squirmy! I'll try for a better one tomorrow. I didn't want to handle him much today... I just snapped a couple quick ones while moving him from his deli cup into his new (temporary) home.

Meet Salazar!



Yesterday, I bought some frozen day-old pinkies, and I looked at them and thought "they are so small.... I wonder if he'll be satisified with just one, or if I'll have to give him 2?" Well, now that he has arrived.... I'm thinking that I'm glad I went with the day-olds. He's so little! I think I'll wait till tomorrow to feed him so that he can have a full day to get used to his new surroundings.
Here's another... I just took this one today. He was less squirmy.


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Mine looked a lot like yours did when I got him last year. He's about ten months old now (I think), and I took this picture of him ten days ago:


Just for the record, I set up about 20 Hypo Blood Red babies last night and offered them all live pinks. EVERY one of them ate.

Seems like most of the snakes are being kind to me this year with their feeding. Getting very few problems. Even some runts will jump right on anything I throw at them. And an entire clutch of Candy Canes ate first time (will wonders never cease!).

Most are also going right to frozen/thawed pinks the second time around.
terrible accident...

We had a terrible accident at my house last night. Little Sal is gone. :( I was out at my friend's bachelor party last night, and when I got home, my cat had knocked over the entire table where I had him. The shoebox I had him in was open, and little Sal is nowhere to be found. I'm worried that maybe the cat ate him. I tore the entire house apart last night looking, because it seemed very strange to me that the cat would actually eat him... but I wasn't able to find the little hatchling... alive or dead. I'm so upset. I think that I may need to find another home for my cat. He just doesn't seem to do well with other animals.
I had a group of 5 hatchlings get loose one night and another one got loose two nights ago. We have two cats in the house also. I assummed the worst at first but we were able to find all the snakes shortly after their escape.
I found several by walking into a dark room and turning on the lights and there they were on the floor. Found the other escapee the same way. Didn't even know it was out.
Keep looking for a while.

I am SO sorry to hear that Salazar is lost. I will be hoping for the best! Please keep us posted.
Any ideas how to get into a baseboard heater?

Well, I don't know for sure... but I THINK he might be in the baseboard heater. it didn't even occur to me that he could have gotten in there... but tonight, after bachelor party number 2 (being the best man is hard work...) I came home and the cat was trying desperately to get into the heater... and he's never bothered with it before. I keep shoeing him away, and he keeps going back. So I got down there with a flashlight and really looked at it... and it is a definite possibility for a hiding place.... it's very small and tight and dark.... and kitty paws can't reach into it. I just can't imagine how to get the thing apart to look inside... or how to coax the little guy out. The darn thing is about 8 or 9 feet long....

Any ideas?

As a side note, I sent an email to a no-kill shelter today asking about the possibility of finding a new home for my cat. Hopefully I'll hear something back from them by monday. I hate to get rid of my cat, but I just can't stand the thought of losing any more snakes to him, and I wanted to breed mice... that's certainly a risk too. So, he needs to find a home that's better suited for him. maybe a farm where he can get out and hunt for real.
I would think that the heater has a cover which should lift off of it somehow.

As for luring it out, try placing a "snake trap" out for it. Here's a link to a picture of a homemade trap. I found the picture in South Mountain Reptile's Photo Gallery.

Snake Trap

Well, the link didn't show the picture for some reason. After you are in the photo gallery, click on Miscellaneous, the on traps. You will see the pictures I am talking about (the trap made from a soda bottle)

Good luck!
found him...

Well, we took the heater apart, and he wasn't there. I tore the house apart one more time, and still didn't find him.

I took my cat to a no-kill animal shelter where they told me they would find him a home in a week or two, more than likely.

Today while packing for my move next month, my totally snake-fobic friend pulled a roll of duct tape out of the closet, screamed and ran across the room, dropping the tape. Turns out the tape idea really does work... although I will recommend NOT using duct tape. He was dead. Although it looked like he had a gash in his belly from the kitty, the duct tape is what did him in. He couldn't get away from it. :( That poor little guy.
I am very sorry to hear that. Most distressing for you. Dont blame the cat though, he's only following his instincts.
I know he was. I'm not mad at the cat. I was very sad to see him go. But in the end, it came down to the health of my other animals, and the kitty needs to find a home where his hunting skills will be useful and not hurtful. I told the shelter that it was very important he be placed in a home with no small pets (no birds, rats, snakes, etc...).

As for the poor little snake, I feel just horrible that he died so horribly. :( I will be waiting a few months before I decide to get anything more. Once I'm settled in my new house in Phoenix next month, I'll consider getting another snake or two. With no kitty around, they should be safe in my house.