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My poor Herman is lost...


New member
It's funny how life is... A week ago I tried the natural "eco-soil" bricks, and we were discussing/debating the effects this would have on the snake- while I was worrying about this and observing him in it, he escaped.

I will be 100% honest, this happened 2 years ago when I first got him and was inexperienced in snake care and didn't realize how smart they were in escaping... Since then I have been a security nazi with my Herman and got him a new great cage. I KNOW I saw him in there before he escaped, and I always check the lid to make sure it is latched. I am literally dumbfounded as to how he escaped.

But that doesn't solve our situation as of now, he is now loose in our 1 bedroom apartment and I have been scouring the place daily for the past 4 days with no luck. I even wake up in the middle of the night (sad) and check the utlity room for him (where he was). I feel horribly guilty, and at times I get overcome with sadness and cry (don't laugh).

I love him and he was my first real pet and my first snake and I remember how excited I was the day I got him and how much I had to learn. I worry he somehow got outside in the cold (chicago) and died or that he crawled somewhere I'll never find him, or into the furnace and died from heat.

Any help/support?

-Frank... sad and losing hope
Sorry to here that :(

Have you tried any traps or anything yet? You can put flour in the doorways which will show a trail of movement. Cut a plastic coke bottle in half, invert the top, and bait it with a warm mouse/pinky, that way he will find his way in, but be too fat to climb back out.

Make sure you find out how he escaped though otherwise it may happen again should you find him.

Good luck :)

But that doesn't solve our situation as of now, he is now loose in our 1 bedroom apartment and I have been scouring the place daily for the past 4 days with no luck. I even wake up in the middle of the night (sad) and check the utlity room for him (where he was). I feel horribly guilty, and at times I get overcome with sadness and cry (don't laugh).

Definitely no laughing, I'd be doing the same thing, for sure.

I love him and he was my first real pet and my first snake and I remember how excited I was the day I got him and how much I had to learn. I worry he somehow got outside in the cold (chicago) and died or that he crawled somewhere I'll never find him, or into the furnace and died from heat.

Any help/support?

-Frank... sad and losing hope

I know EXACTLY how you feel, I just lost my Wylie a few days ago. And I cried like a baby. And what bothers me more than anything is that I can't figure out WHY he died. So I'll be pretty darn scared when I get my next snake, hoping I don't have some kind of bad luck and another one dies on me, I'm so apprehensive about it!

Anyway, put some bowls of water out for him along the walls cause if he is alive some where in your house, putting bowls of water out for him may save his life by keeping him from becoming dehydrated. Also try the traps. For future reference, if one of your snakes ever escapes again, this may sound silly, but crawl around on the floor, basically BE your SNAKE and look for places thru which he could escape and COVER THEM UP with screen or whatever you can find.

Hope this helps, I'm with ya, BELIEVE me. I am still mourning Wylie's death.
Don't lose hope, it's taken me a few days to find a snake escaped in my bedroom before, even while knowing the snake couldn't get out at all, they are extremely good at hiding. If the lid is off the viv, remember to check in there in case the snake has returned home. In fact, I'd leave the heating on and the lid ajar in there just in case the snake does try to go back to it's hide.
I'm not proud of my escapee record, and am only posting this list of places my snakes have ended up to try to help;
Under the bed, by the radiator, most usual hiding place
In a handbag hanging on the end of my bed
In a slightly open drawer, under t-shirts
Under my wardrobe
At the back of the snakerack, on top of another snake's tub
On my windowsill, knocking ornaments over in the middle of the night
Also, check ALL pockets of clothing before you wash them, snakes often like to hide in pockets of clothing.
I know how u feel, I lost my very first Cornsnake when my grandpa who has bad memory, one day while I was at Summer camp, Went to clean his water bowl, put Troy, {my snake} on my bed 4 a quick second, cleaned it, and forgot about him. He's been gone for about 7 mounths, and most likely he got out inside in the summer time because we leave the door open all the time in the summer, this summer I'm goin to look a few times outside.
But anyway, I lost him one day, and sure enough I found him hiding under some clothes. What u could do so he doesen't starve is before u go to bad, leave a pinkie out somewheare he might be, and water, and if the pinkie is gone when u wake up, he's still around... LEt me know if u find him.
Thanks for your help guys... After days of searching and still no luck- I left up "tape traps" so if he crawled over them I'd know.... No luck. I'm gonna try that the next few nights, if that doesn't work I'm gonna try leaving a warm mouse out. I don't know where he could have gone- our apartment isn't that big and if he got outside he is most certainly dead (-2 F outside). I still am having a hard time believing he is gone, at first it didn't really hit me- but a few days later I was like "My God, he's really gone".
You never know. One of my hatchlings escaped one evening. I didn't work too hard to find him and he showed up behind the clock on our bed one nite. The cats were busy trying to flush him out. He'll turn up I'm sure. Put out the pinky trap, leave the tape and keep checking.
Thanks for your help guys... After days of searching and still no luck- I left up "tape traps" so if he crawled over them I'd know.... No luck. I'm gonna try that the next few nights, if that doesn't work I'm gonna try leaving a warm mouse out. I don't know where he could have gone- our apartment isn't that big and if he got outside he is most certainly dead (-2 F outside). I still am having a hard time believing he is gone, at first it didn't really hit me- but a few days later I was like "My God, he's really gone".

:smash: Because u live in an apartment, he could of extremely easily slide under the crack, and out the door, and then crawled into another door, If I were u I'd ask your ampartment neighbors to let u know if they see a Corn Snake. Also I know a freind who lost her Corn Snake who was just a hatchling, and found her Corn Snake alive 7 weeks later... Don't give up hope! Also I find it extremely unlikely your Corn Snake slithered outside, because Obviously u wouldn't leave the door open all the time, so he could of only of slithered out when some1 walked out, which is highly unlikely... And anyways he would of the felt the cold breeze when u or some1 opened the door and would of slithered in the oppisite derection, and stayed clear of that door for a long time. Keep looking, let us know if u find him!
Any luck?

Just a word of hope..I have four corns and a python. My little ghost corn has gotten out twice since having him. He was out for couple of weeks first time and eventually my son was waiting at bus stop and he came out of his back pack...lol then the last time he got out he was away four weeks...I thought I had lost him for good..then one day I looked in a houseplant in the kitchen and found his shed skin. He was curled up in the soil and was in good health. He had gone onto a lower floor of house on both occasions and was quite a distance away from his tank. The other corn that has escaped twice never goes any further than a bookshelf next to her tank. She curls up behind the books and comes out in evenings so is easy to find. My Python has also got out..she is a baby lol..and she was out for two days and I was worried sick about her. Found her second night climbing back into her tank. I think she had been going back in during the night time and getting back out again ....I know you must be worried about Herman but I am sure you will find him soon....when you least expect it.
Thank you all for your kind words and support :spinner: I'll keep you posted and keep looking! I think the tape traps will be the best way to go for now.
Do not forget... you might wanna get a flashlight and look under your fridge. Its warm under it and snakey might have gone there.

Its gross, but leave pinkies in each room, and block off doors by putting a towel under them. You can narrow down what room he's in that way.

I kind of doubt that he'd head outside. Its Really cold out there this time of year, and reptiles don't really take to freezing temps. They're great at thermoregulation, so i doubt one would make a mistake like that.

Careful about garbage cans, and garbage. Be sure to check around your computer if you leave it on. And most of all, if you live in an apartment complex where he could get in to other people's apartments... block the bottom of your door.

Good luck finding him!
Any luck with the traps Verigofm? Any Pinkies gone, our missing? Any less water in his water bowl?