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my snake did something weird


New member
I took Chester out of his viv to handle him and when I was holding him his body started twitching like he has hiccups..i then notice some sort of white discharge coming from his vent.. He sorta let out a hissing noise.. not a clicking or coughing..I was a little caught off gaurd Im not sure if he was doin well the guy thing on me or if hes sick ..anyone ever have that happen ?? or do I need to call the vet. Ive had him a year and a half and I hadnt noticed this before...
How is his breathing otherwise? Is he opening his mouth to breath or keeping his nose pointed up in the air? Can you hear any gurgling sound when he's breathing? Was the discharge distinguishable from urates?

I've never experienced what you described, so I'll leave it to others to advise you. Just trying to help you assemble more information for the group to picture what happened.
Just a shot in the dark, it could have been musk or sperm plugs?

Glad you said it first!

I have this male snake, Zee. One time I had him out, and he started doing the weird hiccupping thing. I asked a hoggy breeder what was going on, because it REALLY freaked me out. She put it like this: It means Zee REALLY likes you!!

So yeah, it sounds like what male snakes do when they get sexually excited, although thank God Zee had never actually produced sperm plugs, but maybe because when he starts it, I don't encourage him...
Hes not holding his head up or opening his mouth..just had him out again to listen and hes just acting normal curiously flicking his tongue all around no noises that I can hear..
well I actually by chance caught site of this stuff on his vent and put him in his tank cuz I didnt want an explosion on me.He left it on his hide..it is different than urates .and no smell ...well i would be happy to know he LIKES me..after all im the one who gives the little guy everything he needs..im going to keep my eye on him and continue to listen for any respitory noises just to be safe..:)
When my beauty snake does the hiccups thing I think he's scared or excited...? No stuff coming out of his vent... just that, dunno.
Wel, good luck with the lil guy. Doesn't seem like he's sick or anything.