What the deuce???
I posted earlier today that he has a mite problem. I'll never buy another snake from Petco. (or his bedding) Anyway I could return him and get a new one somewhere else. I just can't do it though because I feel it may be a death sentence for the little guy. I've also become quite fond of him. I read up on using Nix or Black Night to kill the mites (because it also destroys the eggs) What do you think would be better? I'm kind of scared to try the roach killer (Black Night) Also, Problem number two is that my snake seems like he's going to shed soon...not active and dull color and his eyes look cloudy. Should I wait until he's done shedding to work on the mites or fix the mite problem first? I'm worried about putting chemicals on him if he is going to shed soon. Please Help! I really hate those mites :twoguns: evil bugs indeed. BTW he's a young snake only 12-14 inches.