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my snake will only poop out side his viv


New member
so yeah, he doesnt do it once in a while, but everytime i take him out- it doesnt matter if i wait a couple days after feeding or just befor a feed- he will wait to poop outside! ive gotten to the point that i know when he will do it and hold him over the floor with papertowels ready, it doesnt realy bother me- hes so relaxed when he does it too. im starting to think he doesnt like his tank and that he is already too big for it. its a 10 gallon long and he is a yearling ( suposedly) at about 16 inches. he never roams, not that i notice- he stays in his rock den or his log.
funny thing is that my gecko will do the same thing sometimes- but she is my prissy neat freak, i know why she does it :rolleyes:
anyway, would like some feedback- ive already had the discussion on the stress/want to be put back issue- got past that. it seem he just uses me to relax and work those mucles to get the flow going- he seems perfectly happy when he does this. is this him telling me that hes ready for a new tank already?
I had a snake that was like this. No matter when I took him out he would wait and poop once he got outside. I finally broke him of it by not taking him out for two months. I'd still reach in, pet him and give him attention but he finally learned to poop in the tank! Now he only poops outside of it once in awhile.
A Ten gallon tank should be fine for him.. I kept my corns in plastic shoeboxes until they were a year old. Now they're in double shoeboxes. BUT as for the pooping on you, since you can tell when he is about to poop why not put him back in his cage and take him back out when he is done? He could also be musking you like snakewhisperer said. My old king used to do that but got over it after a while
Mine does that a lot - I wondered if it was simply the fact that you feed them, then leave them alone for a day or two, in which time they don't move. Mine doesn't seem to move much anyway :D

Then you take them out, and they move around and climb and it stimulates the muscles and then - there we go ...
That's biology at work. I've got one guy like this, too. He's a sweetie, and has spent a lot of time in my classroom with students. We just have to be ready with the cleanup kit! We've also learned that we he freezes a mess is about to be made.

It can help to get him out for a few minutes then put him right back in the viv. The activity gets his system going, and if we time it carefully - and luckily - he goes in the viv. He can then be handled for a while without anyone needing a change of clothes.

By the way, I've bout this snake as a hatchling and have had him for 3.5 years. I'd hoped that it was something he would grow out of, but no dice.
thankyou guys, your wonderful! he does the whole "freeze" thing and poops- he seems perfectly relaxed now- he use to have a hard time calming down when being held ( norm) but hes much better now.
musking? i didnt know snakes did that! wow- im so novice- could someone explain? (big anime eyes begging)
thankyou guys, your wonderful! he does the whole "freeze" thing and poops- he seems perfectly relaxed now- he use to have a hard time calming down when being held ( norm) but hes much better now.
musking? i didnt know snakes did that! wow- im so novice- could someone explain? (big anime eyes begging)
Musking = When a snake doesn't like being held/stressed it poops on you...
Though pooping and musking are technically different the outcome and smell is similar... LOL
My Firefly is like this. We call her lazy butt because she hardly ever moves (when we're awake, anyway). I'll feed her and give her three or four or five days. NO POOP. So, I take her out for a little bit of exercise (about 5-10 minutes' worth so I don't get pooped on). Never fails: the next day, she's pooped in her viv. Once she went like nine or ten days without pooping. Maybe she's perpetually constipated. :D
Musking is expelling non-waste, smelly fluid in hopes that whatever is considering eating them (in the snakes' opinions) gives up and goes away. To me, corn snake musk smells somehow like grasshoppers. :shrugs: It's not the best thing I've ever smelled, but nothing remotely like skunk!
You can usually tell when the snakes are about to poop too, as they become quick thick right by their cloaca :p
When I see that I put them away, I haven't been pooped on yet!
well, its definitly not musk- he is perfectly calm and moveing along happily, then he stops, he starts flexing his muscles near his vent and then expells what is deffinitly excriment.
i think he just doesnt care to poop. if he can get away with just lying in his rock forever, he would >^_^< oh well, hes still cute, but ill definitly try some of the things suggested here and other places so he doesnt do this when hes full grown lol- but by then hell have his big tank set up with all his adventurous branches and toys and locked lid, so he wont need me to be his poop starter.
My 2 1/2 yr old still likes to try and poop on me any time I take him out to hold him. But I'm always watching for him to do this and usuallly get him back in his enclosure before he finishes or starts to go. :) My oldest girl who is now 5yrs old use to poop on me all the time when she was much younger, but she's actually not done so in a couple of years and the other corns don't usually go but inside their enclosures. Guess, it just depends on the snake.
Popcorn poops almost every time I take her out of her enclosure as well. She is regular as clock work. Fed saturday am = poops when i take her out on monday night and sometimes Tuesday aswell. It doesnt really bother me. I always have a towel on hand which is now her towel, I hold her over the towel once the bump by the cloaca appears followed by 'muscle flexing' and I just figure if she poops outside her viv its less cleaning/ poop scooping for me later. However she has just moved from double pinks to small furry mice so I may be less favorable of this approach after her 1st post furry poop lol.
it doesnt matter how long i wait- he just waits for me to take him out- so i just sit with him, holding him out over the floor with paper towels and wait a few minutes :) and hope his aim stays in that general direction ( got my foot last time XP )