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My Whisper Died Last Night :awcrap:


Hey guys...

My 05 male anery stripe died last night. I was just floored. Now I've been lurking long enough here that I know these things happen and knew that it was just a matter of time before I lost one... but ughhhh NOT Whisper!!!!

I found a regurge - a partially digested mouse fuzzy along with his body last night. After looking through his feeding, weight and shed records I realized that there was a pattern.

I have had Whisper since late January. He was on pinkies when I purchased him, really too small for his size. During the months of February and March I gradually increased his prey size and when we got to small fuzzies he regurged. So I followed with rest and back on pinkies, gradual increase again and regurge. This last time was the same thing - only this time he died. You know, to be honest, I wasn't worried about him even though he regurged twice in the past 6 months, he also was growing well and shed regularly. Temps were good, he was in a sweater box size tub, lots of fresh water, no other issues. These pics of him were taken the week before his death - he looks great (to me). I cannot think of anything else his death could be attributed to.

Does anyone have any other suggestions as to why he might have died?? Thanks for any help and for giving me a place to problem solve. It's just one less snake to my family and friends... ok my girls understand too - they're great. But, you know what I mean... :awcrap:



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I'm so sorry for your loss! And he looks fine to me in those pictures, I can't think of any other cause... :(

I just lost an anery last week. I only had her for a day- barely!- and was already attached. I feel your pain. I'm sorry I can't offer you anything other than condolences, but I know someone experienced will be along shortly to figure out what went wrong so it doesn't happen again. I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

The only thing I can think of is that maybe his digestion system was resticted in some way, not allowing larger prey to pass. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you all, so much for your condolences. It means a lot to me coming from you all who especially know the difficulty of loosing one of these guys.

dionythicus said:
The only thing I can think of is that maybe his digestion system was resticted in some way, not allowing larger prey to pass. I'm so sorry for your loss.

It is my thought as well... my experience with (human) neonates tells me that it happens - bowel strictures, telescoping, kinked bowels and the like can worsen with growth and cause death if not corrected. Really, I will never know, but suspect that this is the case with Whisper. My perspective is that I gave him a comfortable and caring environment for him to live his limited life. Hospice for Snakes... figures it would be me. :D (a joke, of course, just in case it wasn't obvious)

Thankfully none of my other snakes suffer from anything close to this. If anything they are little fatties... and I have my 12 king snake eggs to look forward to hatching - hooray!

Thanks for being so kind All :D You guys rock!

Sorry for your loss! It seem slike you are taking it well and realising their is also a nice future ahead will ease the pain!
Tonya, I am sorry to hear about your loss. He was a beautiful boy. These things are just out of our control sometimes, but it must all be taken in stride. At least you have those MBK pippies to look forward to!
Thank you Barb and Angela!

It's very sweet of you both to be so encouraging :D Yes... I really can't wait for my first pippies... especially from this girl !

dionythicus said:
The only thing I can think of is that maybe his digestion system was resticted in some way, not allowing larger prey to pass. I'm so sorry for your loss.

I had one that wouldn't get past pinkies either and when she died, I took her to the vet who opened he up to find she has a thickening of the stomach. She tested and said their was no parasite or disease. The vet said, ''sometimes it just happens.'' Sorry you lost him.
Very sorry to hear of the loss of your stripe. He was beautiful. There must have been something going on that caused his problems and I'm sure it was nothing that you could have fixed.
Thank you

Thank you Meg and Danny -

It seems that there is always a question of "why" when something like this happens. I appreciate the kind words.

Danny - Isn't a thickening of mucosal walls a finding in Crypto? Was yours tested for this? I am trying not to be paranoid, but I probably should have had him tested after his second regurge, don't you think?

This is yet another reason why I will never purchase again from anyone other than a breeder. It scares the willies out of me to consider that I may unknowingly introduce something like this into my collection. While I don't co-habitate or do any equiment sharing, it appears to relatively easy to accidently infect another snake.... ugh.

Anyway - thanks again everyone for your sweet and kind words :wavey:

MaizeCrazy said:
Danny - Isn't a thickening of mucosal walls a finding in Crypto? Was yours tested for this? I am trying not to be paranoid, but I probably should have had him tested after his second regurge, don't you think?-Tonya
Yes, it is a symptom for Crypto. I asked the vet what she thought and she said she didn't think so, but the only way to determine is by sampling tissue from the digestive walls. She was my 1st snake and was on a different floor from the rest, never came close to them and I never transfer stuff between vivs. Rather than spend the money, I took everything, 29 gal tank and all and trashed it. Better safe than sorry.
Oh Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this...

I remember the first time I logged on to this site, you were one of the first people I met. And he was your avatar. And we talked and chatted about Whisper and my Anery Striped, Colonel.
In twenty-five years of this, I've seen many snakes come and go. But sometimes there is one that feels a little different than the rest.
dwyn127 said:
Yes, it is a symptom for Crypto. I asked the vet what she thought and she said she didn't think so, but the only way to determine is by sampling tissue from the digestive walls. She was my 1st snake and was on a different floor from the rest, never came close to them and I never transfer stuff between vivs. Rather than spend the money, I took everything, 29 gal tank and all and trashed it. Better safe than sorry.

It makes perfect sense - there was no way that your snake could have infected the rest of your collection. However - it would have been good to notify the person you got him from, if that even would be possible. Hindsight eh? Hmmm... the longer I think about this and the more research I do, I probably should have had Whisper tested. Or perhaps I over think everything :bang: Regardless, I will monitor my collection and be ultra-careful. Luckily I have an endless supply of gloves :D

Cflaguy said:
I remember the first time I logged on to this site, you were one of the first people I met. And he was your avatar. And we talked and chatted about Whisper and my Anery Striped, Colonel.
In twenty-five years of this, I've seen many snakes come and go. But sometimes there is one that feels a little different than the rest.

Ahhh... then you saw in him what I did... thank you! He was pretty special to me, but some things simply aren't meant to be. For now, I've got the rest of my collection AND just got an e-mail from Rich that my just-out-of-the-egg sale order will be in next week!!!! WOO HOO!!

Thanks again everyone, I cannot express how much it means to me that you understand and sympathize :D
