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My wife has issues.


New member
Howdy snake lovers. I recently renewed an interest in keeping a snake. I had garter snakes as a kid and now I am thinking about getting a corn snake.
Problem is my wife is scared of snakes and is not comfortable with having one in the house. She also has issues with keeping dead mice in the freezer.
She said if I want a snake, go ahead but she won't be happy.
I don't think it will be a problem and she will get use to it, but I don't want to jeprodize my marriage. Any advice would be welcome.
Let her know that snakes hide a majority of the day and you can keep it in a room that she does not frequent.

Also, let her know you can keep your frozen feeder mice in a brown paper bag in the freezer, that way she knows not to touch it and yet she knows whats in there and will not accidentally take it out to see whats in there.

first off.........all wives have issues. :sidestep: that was uncalled for but the door was open. sorry.
secondly.......either wrap the frozen mice up as not to be seen or buy one of those little small "college" type fridge/freezers.
and lastly......buy a smalll hatchling and once you get the snake in and settled down, let her have a go at it. keep trying (not forcing) to get her to pet it, handle it and hold it. i have a feeling, like my wife, she will come around to the idea. she might not still like them, but she will not be afraid of them and more than likely respect them as actual pets. you might even walk in on her looking at them thinking you wouldn't know.

anyway, good luck and post some pics when you get it. and get ready because it will become an addiction.
You have to set her at ease with the snake. Maybe by going to a pet store and looking at different morph and pattern of corns. Show are the best way, more selection. Or find a local breeder to show her some. Frozen mice are the way to go but luckily we have an extra refrig in the garage and my wife doesn't mine and she even store food there. All my f/t mice are in zip lock in Tupperware container that cover by a plastic bag. But she know it there.
I don't know any local show or breeder near you but I think somehere will.
Just keep on asking.

Good Luck :)
Hello there fellow Kansas City person!

The overland Park reptile show is this sunday...why dont you take her to that and let her see them up close and personal and handle one..maybe it will help.
dawnrenee2000 said:
Hello there fellow Kansas City person!

The overland Park reptile show is this sunday...why dont you take her to that and let her see them up close and personal and handle one..maybe it will help.

I was actually planning on attending the show this weekend and getting a snake there. I'll ask her if she wants to go but I don't think she will. She doesn't want to get within 10 feet of a snake, much less look at morph patterns or handle one. I'm not trying to convert her into a snake lover. I think snake phobias are pretty much ingrained from childhood. I just want to dispell some of her fears about having one in the house. I just want to be able to own one without upsetting her. Is that selfish?
I appreciate all the replys to this post. I think getting a small snake and keeping the mice in a special container in the back of the freezer will help.
We got my 10 year old daughter one for Christmas..I was very leary about it, but now Im starting to change my mind. I have held it a few times, first time I was grossed out by it, but it is getting easier.

The frozen mice thing really bothered me, but we put them in a small plastic container that fits perfectly in the bottom of the freezer door. you wouldn't even know there were frozen mice in it unless we tell you.

I helped my daughter the first time she fed it, showing her what she needed to do. she now does it on her own, with little assistance (Thank God!!!, this also grosses me out!!).

Just take small steps, your wife will probably come around - the curiosity of the whole thing will get to her.

SnakeGirls Mom
My wife has no intrest in snakes but I took the her and the kids to a local show and she thought it was interesting.. but she owe me a few from ice show to house tours and to a opera yuck! :puke01: :grin01:
I refuse to believe any woman would not end up at least not being afraid of a little hatchling if she put some efforts in getting used to her hubbies weird interest. They have a cuteness that must seduce anyone open for cuteness at any level IMO. A gentle but persistence way of letting her get used to it should work. Be sure you only let her see or handle it after it has settled down in your hands so it won't scare her by squirming and flinging itself around. If she is not ready for this, first try to get her to look at it when it is crawling around in its cage. Showing how it is fed migth be a bridge too far until she is sure the little gem is not a nasty creature. Good luck!
All great responses here. The best one I have, if you have a freezer above the fridge.. best thing to do is buy her a Chest freezer so you can keep the people food in that. :grin01: It made my girl happy. Also, she got used to having 500 + rodents in our fridge but what was funny on the whole thing is that she wanted the snake and I didnt. lol Last night she made a comment that I owned more than she did.
gwb8568 said:
first off.........all wives have issues.

Yeah, they're called husbands!

:sidestep: that was uncalled for but the door was open. sorry.

That was too, but again, the door was open!

Eric, I think that if you get one, keep it in a room she doesn't have to go in much, and don't chase her around the house with it, she'll eventually come around. She may never be all cuddly with it, but maybe she won't be so squeemish once she sees how cute a hatchling can be.
After years of putting up with my animals...I've kept dogs, cats, fish, and birds on and off these past 35 years. My wife was adamant that she was not going to have snakes in her home.

M wife is practical, however. When she discovered that the snakes didn't stain the carpet, shred the furniture, smell up the house, or leave hair and feathers everywhere, she starting giving in. After we got the first few and she realized that you only have to feed them once a week and clean cages once a month, and you can even leave them by themselves over the Christmas holidays, she was sold.

She still doesn't like the mice in the freezer, but I just keep them in a tupperware marked "Billy's Drugs. Do Not Open." and everybody can pretend the mice are something really shocking.

I'm glad she finally gave in. I would have missed her. :sidestep:
bill38112 said:
I'm glad she finally gave in. I would have missed her. :sidestep:

3 times rolling on the floor too!

I'm glad my b/fr is practical too; he does not fear my snakes, nor thinks they are amazing creatures but he is happy that I'm happy with animals with all the 'features' you mentioned :crazy02:
I doubt any female can resist a baby animal for long...Baby corn, with those big sad eyes- it'll sucker her in.

My ex had issues with me cave diving. Now he's freezing in MN while I am living the good life in herp heaven Florida.

If you can't compromise- why bother.

What is the big deal about mice in the freezer?

I have chopped-off bits of critters in MY freezer, and I bet you do too. [maybe not vegetarians] What's so different with snake-chow?
It certianly isn't worse than dog/cat food.
1) People tend to generally be more afraid of mice than of chickens.

2) A bag of frozen chicken parts doesn't still look like a chicken. A bag of frozen mice does still look like mice.

3) The well deserved caution about wild mice carrying disease translates into the idea that a freezer full of mice equals a freezer full of disease.

I'm not saying it's logical. It's just the way it is.
Good news! We worked things out. I purchased a mini freezer for the basement to store the dead vermin. I got a female Okeetee this morning at the KC Reptile Show. I'm pretty excited about it. My wife isn't quite as excited. She's wants to get a new dining room table so maybe that will make up for it. I hope it works out. As long as the snake doesn't escape, I think we'll be alright.
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. I'm sure to learn alot from this forum.
congrats on your new one.........please make sure to keep her home secured as to prevent any type of escape. also, post some pics in the photo section as okeetees are my favorite.