Howdy snake lovers. I recently renewed an interest in keeping a snake. I had garter snakes as a kid and now I am thinking about getting a corn snake.
Problem is my wife is scared of snakes and is not comfortable with having one in the house. She also has issues with keeping dead mice in the freezer.
She said if I want a snake, go ahead but she won't be happy.
I don't think it will be a problem and she will get use to it, but I don't want to jeprodize my marriage. Any advice would be welcome.
Problem is my wife is scared of snakes and is not comfortable with having one in the house. She also has issues with keeping dead mice in the freezer.
She said if I want a snake, go ahead but she won't be happy.
I don't think it will be a problem and she will get use to it, but I don't want to jeprodize my marriage. Any advice would be welcome.