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Naco Update / Progression Thread


New member
This will be the first post for the progression thread. Naco is doing very well and eating every week. He is eating fuzzy's at this point and he loves them, no hesitation to wrap the fuzzy up.

Few Pictures. And they are True color as well


Yep took 2 treatments and cleanings but they are all gone. Found out the local pet shop i got to had a mite break out with there snakes..... so guessing thats where they came from.
Same here :).
So im guessing that with time his white will go away and turn to a more red/orange??? Or will the white hold??? Excited for him to grow haha
Nice pattern.
I think you can produce some aztecs or some bandeds from him, if you chose the right patterned female for him.
thanks. we will see about breeding. I'm not looking to really expand my collection haha.
I got a video i just put up on youtube of naco eating a fuzzy. Yes it is live i know i will get some flack for that... but naco has always been fed live and is a very good eater. but thought i would share anyway :)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ovytjW36LjM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Was on my computer working on some projects, looked over and saw naco just chillin and looking at me so i took a quick photo :) hope you like


just wanted to post another picture of naco in his new "house" i built him :)

His orange is really coming out now. Growing so fast :p


He is one good looking snake. I am so happy you are keeping his updates up. It is so neat to see him progress.