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name that morph!


New member
Hey everyone! New to the forums here as I recently purchased a new baby cornsnake (I've had snaked when I was younger, but never seriously enough to know how to identify morphs). But anyway...I got this little guy at a convention where the guy was selling corns for $10 (they were all in a container, unlabled, unsexed, etc). I kinda fell in love with it, but now after looking up cornsnake morphs...i have no idea what it is!! Any way this pic helps identifying it? (I can take more if that helps at all). Any help would be greatly appreciated...cheers!


  • IMG_8600.jpg
    198.7 KB · Views: 99
woohoo!! thanks!!! I'm really excited to have a snake again...i'm already thinking about getting number two! just gotta do more research on what I'd like to get. thanks for the help :)
And just a note worth knowing NJ allows "red eyed" i.e. amelanistic corns to be kept legally by it's residents. Your snake is an anerythristic and amelanistic corn, a "snow" corn, and a legal resident of NJ :*)
haha, i was reading earlier about people posting about the snakes that are legal in NJ. I got this snake over at the reptile convention in Hamburg, PA and honestly never really put much thought as to what would be legal or not since i see corn snakes at pet stores here everywhere! Has anyone here ever had experience or know somebody who was caught with an "illegal" corn snake?
Most of the times the animal is just seized, it takes time and money to press charges. Of course I have not worked for animal controle in the USA, i'm a Canadian lol! Maybe we are just lazy up here lol!

Very cute little snow corn!