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Need help converting from live


New member
Hi everyone,

I recently got 2 cali kings last Tuesday. I tried feeding 1g pinks on Friday and the male ate like a pig. Fed again tonight, Harlequin (male) ate just fine. The female refused to have anything to do with F/T. They've always been fed live by the breeder they came from.

Columbine is the much more relaxed of the two, musks like mad, but at least doesn't attack the sides of her feeding tub to get to me. I've tried leaving her overnight, blow drying her mouse, slit/brained. No interest.

Any suggestions? Her weight is good, so I've got some time to fight with her.

If you have feeding tongs, get the pinky real hot and make it 'dance' for her. Some snakes key in on movement.
If you don't have tongs, improvise... chopstcks, tweezers, etc. I have a kingsnake that only strikes at the mouse if I wave it at her. It's scary at first, if you are careful the snake will strike at the food and not you, but they do sense the heat from your hand.
Ps your signature has grown lol! looks like you are boarding some ;)
I tried that as well, but it may have cooled too much by the time I tried it. She also prefers to run rather then strike (unlike Harliquin) so I'm afraid to stress her out too much. I'm going to let her wait until Thursday when most everyone gets fed again before we go out of town for the weekend. If I haven't gotten her to take a F/T by the Hillsboro show I'll pick her up a live pink. I figure I can give in once in a while just to keep her weight up.

Yeah, I'm up to 4 and then I'm snake sitting my friends 6. Its a houseful. I've also got about 6 that I'm planning from SMR and some others from Serpenco or various shows. I'm gonna need more tubs :)
:-offtopic: What weekend is hillsboro again?

Some of them are stubborn. She might go for the f/t if she gets hungrier, too. I've always had luck with the ones that take live taking f/t sooner or later, but sometimes it's taken a while.
The 26th?? Not next weekend but the following. The fairgrounds website is www.faircomplex.com and they have a show calender. I got your PM, but couldn't respond, your box was too full.

My desire to not feed live is going to be stronger then her desire to not eat F/T. I'm sure she'll come around eventually. I'll post pics of them both once I get them resized. I didn't get many and they weren't very good since they weren't cooperating in the slightest.
Yeah, nothing harder to photograph than a snake that just wants to escape or hide. I usually take better pictures of my mellower adults... Sorry about PM box I emptied it out some recently, must have missed your message though :(
Eugene show is coming up too, March 1 at Red Lion on Coburg Road. Probably won't be as big as Hillsboro though. :cheers:
Don't know if I'll make that one or not. Not sure what we have planned. My message didn't go through, I just got the message that your box was full.

Columbine wanted to escape. Harlequin wanted to kill me. He keeps biting even after you pick him up. After I put him in the tub, he was striking the side of the tub. He also puffed himself all up and was in full S pose. He's adorable. Evil, but adorable. He did a little better tonight, only bit me twice, he did strike the tub several times. His feeding response is great though...if it moves he's going to eat it.
Don't know if I'll make that one or not. Not sure what we have planned. My message didn't go through, I just got the message that your box was full.


Just now? It says I only have 126 messages in there. Or was it before?

Meh, I have to think about both shows. I want to go, but I still haven't found job yet, so buying snakes right now is just not a great idea. I have some good interviews coming up though...
It was the day you sent me the PM I think..It all blurs together now. Best of luck with the job. You do landscaping right? Things should start picking up for you with spring coming. You may consider checking the temp agencies. I had some luck with them when I was looking for landscaping positions, even with the higher up stuff.

Are you vending at Eugene, or just shopping?
Just shopping, they sent me an email if I wanted a table but I have nothing to put on it lol (Except the bumper stickers)
Yep, landscaping. It's been tough this winter, but there are all kinds of jobs coming up in the spring. I have a ton of applications out there already, and also toying of idea of starting up my own company again, I used to do that in Medford. I still have all the tools. I remember that PM that was a while ago. I will get in touch if I decide to make the Hillsboro one :) Thanks Shannon!
yeah, they're August 07's, weight wise, they're on 3g pinks. I usually feed every 5, but since I've got the 2 tiny corns that we're trying to catch up to a healthy weight that needed to eat on Friday I decided to give it a shot. Sunday was a normal feeding day.

They're getting fed on Thursday since I'll be out of town until Sunday and I'm trying to keep them on something close to their normal schedule, without the little ones going 8 days between feedings.

If she doesn't eat before the 26th, I'll pick her up a live pink. Then start the fight over. I may try a day old live and day old F/T and see if she's interested enough to take both of them. Kind of the mouse nest theory.