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Need Help Identifying these Orphans

Joseph Jelly

New member
Hi everyone, I recently adopted two corn snakes from a friend of mine. Him and his roommate decided to focus their attention to ball pythons and wanted to get rid of their two corns. Soooo, of course I took them off their hands!! Originally I was going to hold on to them temporarily and see if anyone here would like to take them but....My mom and sisters have quickly grown attached so it looks like they will be staying with us! :)
They weren't sure as to the exact morphs of them so I figured I would post some pics and see if you guys could help me out in determining their morphs.

Here is the first one: (ScuttleButt) What I do know is that he/she is an amel of some sorts (red eyes/no black) I believe scuttle is soon to shed because he/she is looking more faded/ pinkish than usual...so the pics may not be that big of a help....

Here is the next one: (Spot) I am pretty positive that spot is some sort of Motley due to the pattern on the dorsal, and the the all white ventral(no checkered pattern, EXCEPT one random black scale, hence the name spot)

Thanks for all your help!!
One extra note...Scuttle's (first one) colors are usually more yellow/orange, and his eyes are usually more red..like I said, he seems to be close to shedding
Looks like you have an Amel and an Amel motley. Not seeing any white, and they're rather brightly colored (aside from the shedding) so they may be classified as a "sunglow" which is still amel, just selectively bred to reduce white. Of course, I'm quite far removed from an expert. Just my guess :)
ScuttleButt is an amel (in blue in the photos) and Spot is either a normal motley or a hypo motley. Sometimes it si difficult to tell the difference, but I am leaning towards hypo motley due to the lightness of the red on the belly and barely any darker color dorsally.
I think that Scuttlebutt is an amel in shed and Spot is a sunglow motley to me. good luck!

Graham, Spot can't be a sunglow motley, as that is a type of amel motley. Note that spot has black pigment and a black pupil.
To me Spot looks within the range of Normal Motley, but one thing to observe closer would be the chin markings. If they are very light and almost opaque that is the sign of Hypo, if they are darker black then the snake is most likely a Normal. That belly checker looks like a Normal belly checker to me, and although he is pretty light, Motley can have a Hypo effect.

Sometimes it's hard to differentiate between what everyone is saying when you're new. Just as a note, Susan is very experienced with identifying morphs so, I would take her input very seriously. Susan always puts me to shame when I think I can visually id a morph ;)