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Need help setting up a natural terrarium?


New member
Hi everyone, currently my corns setup is as follows:

20 Gallon tnak

6-8 inches of "Zoo med eco earth compressed coconut fiber": comes in blocks, very moist when water is added to it (which I do for very nice sheds and smooth skin)

UT heater usually at 98 degrees (needs to be hot to warm soil, he adjusts the depth he burrows depending on the temp so it gives him a cool surface and when he eats he burrows more to stay warm)

Simple water bowl

Cave (not needed because he burrows in soil)

Now he loves this setup, he spends most of his time burrowing in the soil, and has some really cool tunnels built in- he goes as deep as he wants and comes up to drink and let me know he's ready to eat. His waste also decomposes great if I miss it because of the soil and the moisture.

But here is the thing- I love this natural setup, he's never seemed happier and healtheir- but I want to go more natural. So aside from this eco soil, I want to add some more variety of soils to replicate a natrual environment, maybe some plants, rocks etc. Any ideas or tips? I'm not ditching the soil because he builds really cool tunnels throughout it, keeps him moist and it regulates heat good because the very hot UT heater gives different depths of soil different temps.

Thanks for help!
how long have u had him in the soil? how old is he?
I would be careful if a baby in coconut fiber it can get caught in the mouths and nose when burrowing and suffocate. its happened before...
There are so many risks in this setup..I'm not trying to be rude or come across as mean or critisizing..but I just wouldn't agree with this..One risk has been mentioned and that is the fact that the fiber soil could go into the nostrils and mouth and suffocate the snake, also the soil could get into it's scales and cause infections or bacteria buildup, Another danger risk is the fact that the snake could very well burrow all the way to the bottom and could be burned by a very hot uth..Just because the top of the soil is cool it doesn't mean that the bottom is okay..the bottom where the glass is could be extremely hot..Also I just think snakes really should be provided some kind of hide in order the rest on the surface and feel comfortable..both my snakes have 2 hides..they both do enjoy burrowing in their aspen but both love to just coil up in a hide and rest, especially after eatting...I do understand that you want a natural environment for him and that you want him to be happy and healthy..(that is all any good snake owner wants)..I'm not telling you to change your setup or your way of thinking for his well being..If this is the setup you feel is right then you should stick with it..all I am saying is to just maybe alter it a bit and see what he likes better..maybe try some aspen or repti-bark (repti-bark is a very natural looking substrate and I think he would like it)..if you don't already..get a thermostat/rheostat for the uth and have it set to where the glass itself is at 85 degrees..put some hides in there along with whatever other decorations you would like to ad..Again these are only suggestions..it is completely up to you..I'm just trying to point out factors for thought before unexpected consequences start happening..