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Need some help.


New member
I am using a 33' Zilla tropical 25 bulb and I wanted to know if that is going to dry out the air in the viv too much until I can get just a normal light to use to light Kingsley's viv.
This is just something I have noticed, and if it is a coincedence then please ignore it, but most of the time when a new member here had a snake die on them, either it was a badly started Petco/Petsmart snake, they used a light, or both.
The light really isn't needed, and can make the cage too warm or too dry and can be a fire hazard if you aren't really careful.
Plus, UV light can and WILL damage the snake's eyes. We just had an instance of a "cat-eyed" cornsnake here. Actually, the pupil was not vertical- it was damage from UV light.
Well alrighty then. I'll ditch the light I guess. I want something to let him know it is day time though. The room he is in is very dark so I want him to be able to know day and night. This bulb was the only option I have
As long as they have clean substrate, water, a hidey place, heat and food they really don't care what time it is. Lucky things have no appointments to keep! :)
You can always just keep another light on, far away from the cage like a floor lamp or something if you want to.
As long as they have clean substrate, water, a hidey place, heat and food they really don't care what time it is. Lucky things have no appointments to keep! :)
You can always just keep another light on, far away from the cage like a floor lamp or something if you want to.

This is a good idea - just put a room lamp away from his enclosure on a timer to turn it on and off automatically, and you are good to go without endangering your snake.
This is just my personal opinion.

I use a light 12 hours of the day just to give him some a basking spot that isn't created by the UTH. I've also heard from other people on here and other websites that a distinct day/night cycle is nice for a snake but not necessary. And the UTH doesn't have to work as hard during the day. I just use those ZooMed blue light bulbs, they say they produce UVA light but I've had my snake for two years and i haven't seen any problems with him yet.

Like others have said though, its not necessary.

This is just something I have noticed, and if it is a coincedence then please ignore it, but most of the time when a new member here had a snake die on them, either it was a badly started Petco/Petsmart snake, they used a light, or both.
The light really isn't needed, and can make the cage too warm or too dry and can be a fire hazard if you aren't really careful.

I guess my snake is just lucky then. He hasn't died yet and I got him from Petco and have always used a light with him. :p
If you walk into the room during the day can you see? Any difference between light and complete darkness, even slight, is enough to give your snake a sense of day/night.
This is just my personal opinion.


I guess my snake is just lucky then. He hasn't died yet and I got him from Petco and have always used a light with him. :p

I am not saying that EVERY Petco snake dies, or that EVERY snake with a light dies, but I have noticed that whenever a snake belonging to a new member dies, there is a fairly decent chance that it was a Petco snake, or had a light, or both.

That said, those lights have been found to injure a snake's eyes. So maybe a rethink about using them might be in order....
I am not saying that EVERY Petco snake dies, or that EVERY snake with a light dies, but I have noticed that whenever a snake belonging to a new member dies, there is a fairly decent chance that it was a Petco snake, or had a light, or both.

That said, those lights have been found to injure a snake's eyes. So maybe a rethink about using them might be in order....

No don't get me wrong I wasn't implying that that's what you meant. I was just commenting on it was all.

As the old saying goes, if it's not broken don't fix it. I've had my snake for 2 years and was told before that the lighting isn't a problem. So thanks for your opinion, I'll keep it in mind.
If the light you are using is the original light then it probably isn't still giving off any UV rays. UV lights need to be changed every 6 months, they still light up and give off heat but the UV burns off.